The prompt for Day 13 is a letter to someone who has hurt you recently.
Despite the fact that I am pretty candid on this blog, I'm not sure its ever a good idea to air dirty laundry or put that type of stuff online when you haven't even spoken to the person about it. And I've had some frustrations recently but I'm not prepared to call anyone out on the internet.
So I will be vague and general. If I want to ever air this out with the person, they aren't going to hear about it here first...
Dear Person Who Has Hurt Me,
I am fairly certain you have some issues with choices I'm making in my life. I'm not sure if you resent me or if your attitude stems from your own insecurities, but at this point, I am not going to engage in the bitchy behavior. And I won't apologize for making my own choices. I hope that in the future you will change your attitude, but if you continue to engage in thinly veiled condescending and judgmental comments, we probably will grow apart. I hope we don't, because that's not what I want.
Sincerely, Laura
Sincerely, Laura
A photo of me and my family...let me see if I have any good ones...

With MOST of the cousins at the Cape in June
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