Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Day 17: Switching Lives for One Day

This is a challenging question: Would I want to switch lives to get insight into something I don't understand? Would I want to have as much fun as possible? I'm not sure.

I do wonder what it would be like to be...
1. Thin
2. A guy
3. A mom

So I couldn't switch positions with any one person to satisfy all those criteria.

If I could switch bodies with someone it would probably be Heidi Klum or Marissa Miller. I wonder what it would be like to be THAT hot. Its got to make day-to-day life interesting. I bet there are tons of perks!

If I could spend a day in a guy's body, I would spend lots of time lifting heavy things and bossing people around. (And not being called a "bitch" for it). I would probably walk around shirtless a lot too since that's not really an option for me as a woman.

And it might be cool to flash forward and spend a day with my future self and see what its like to be a mom. I think maybe you can't imagine that kind of love, you just have to experience it. I'm sure the kid would LOVE me.

Who would you switch lives with???

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