Sunday, July 24, 2011

Day 28: One year ago and now...what has changed?

How have I changed in the last year or so?

This photo was taken at my friend Rachael's wedding, in May 2010.

At this point, I was actually starting to become more confident. I had already stopped doing unproductive things in my life such as "recycling" guys. At the point this photo was taken, I was considering how I was going to get back into the dating scene. (I joined online dating a week or two later). I was still a little different though--I already feel that, one year later, I'm too old to wear that dress again! last year, I definitely still had more of a "timeline" so to speak of when I wanted my major life events to occur (marriage, kids, etc). One constant in all of this has been the support of my friends--year to year it never changes, which I am grateful for.

This is a picture from a dinner with my friends this month.

I haven't made huge changes, to be honest. I know what I want more. I am less afraid of the future, less afraid to admit what I really want. I am less tolerant these days of people who are not supportive, not kind to me, or people who are not happy and fulfilling to my life. My timeline for having kids has moved back a few years...I am not ready for that yet. I am lucky to be with someone that makes me happy. I do feel stronger now--more mature and sure of myself, not afraid of what people think. But again, my friends have been a constant, and I doubt that will ever change.

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