Saturday, July 23, 2011

Day 27: Why the 30 Day Challenge?

I have a bad habit of starting blogs and stopping them. The first time, it was because the "Summer Online Dating Experiment" (datingweirdguysonline.blogspot​.com) was meant to be exploratory and casual...and then, 5 posts into the blog, I met my current boyfriend. I realized that the flippant way that I was treating my own dating life was counter-productive, and decided to actually see whether things would work out with him. Once I met someone I really liked, the online dating experiment didn't seem so casual and silly anymore. So that blog DIED after 6 posts.

I started this blog in March, with good intentions. I posted 3 or 4 times, and then...whoops. Another abandoned blog. At one of our sushi dinners (which we don't have anymore since the Uncle Sushi incident), my good friend Rachael stated, "I still check your blog daily, hoping for a new post." Bottom line, Rachael's loyalty encouraged me to keep on trucking. After hearing that from her several times, I decided to give it the old college try. So I did the 3o day Challenge in the hopes of creating a habit. And I will say, not a day goes by where I don't think, "Oh yeah, I have to blog!"

I'm not sure the 30 day challenge means that I'm going to continue posting daily...but I will definitely keep going when its over!!!

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