Friday, July 22, 2011

Day 25: What I think of my friends...

I took this opportunity to do a mini-dedication to some of my favorite friends. I didn't include Trishy, who recently had "an intimate profile" all her own!

Ladies, please keep in mind that these pictures are not necessarily your most flattering shots, but the ones that amuse me most. Hah. Sorry.


Rachael deserves the #1 spot for two reasons: first, she is the most dedicated (and possibly ONLY) follower of this blog. Secondly, I love her eyebrow.
Words to Describe Rachael: Honest, Supportive, Genuine, Collected
Best Known For: EYEBROW
You might not know that Rachael is an intense power-walker.

Words that Describe Ana: Open, Confident, Friendly, Motivated
Best Known for: Super shiny hair
You might not know that Ana is TRI-lingual. Which makes me feel like the rest of us are lame.


Words That Describe Lynne: Happy, Idealistic, Soft-Hearted, Welcoming

Best Known for: Laughing so hard she pees

You might not know that Lynne got inflatable boobs as a 16th birthday present

CHERYL aka Che-Nay-Nay

Sidenote: Cheryl moved to Lake Tahoe and I miss her---only 3 weeks till her visit!!!

Words to Describe Cheryl: Active, Inquisitive, Energetic, Self-Assured
Best Known For: having an ass that doesn't quit

You might not know that Cheryl was only defeated ONCE in a wall-sit competition, but she was in a prom dress and heels, so it hardly counts.


Words to Describe Meg: Fun, Accepting, Positive, Athletic
Best Known For: Curly hair and an infectious laugh

You might not know that Meg and I once spent a New Years Eve in high school trying on prom dresses and toe-shoes in my bedroom because neither of our parents would let us go out.

Words to Describe Jerilyn: Talented, Eloquent, Radiant, Loyal
Best Known for: THAT VOICE

You might not know that Jerilyn once helped me put on my bra...long story.

Words to Describe Sarah: Classy, Elegant, Poised, Domestic (and in the best way possible--she's a great cook, decorates well, and gardens...all things I'm not as good at!)
Best Known For: Miss Rhode Island 2004

You might not know that Sarah and I danced together when we were very young, worked together in our teens, and I have known her forever!

Words to describe Kate: Badass, Opinionated, Dynamo, GOOD F***ing time!!!
Best Known for: Drunk Sunglasses

You might not know that Kate is an exhibitionist at times and that we all saw her naked in Atlantic City.


My best best friend in the entire world!!! Had to save her for last. (She is pictured above post-Warrior Dash!) We have been friends since we were 11 and she feels more like family to me than anything else!

Words to Describe Lane: Intelligent, Mysterious, Individualistic, INCREDIBLY supportive
Best Known for: Not returning phone calls
You might not know that Lane likes to tuck her pants into her socks to keep warm.

Well, that's it for now. I'll definitely expand on these snipits in "intimate portraits" to come, as well as introduce new friends in the future. LOVE you girls!!!

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