Hard question. People are all unique in their own way. And it seems like talking about what makes you "different" sounds a lot like tooting your own horn. So I'll try to keep true to the prompt and answer as honestly as possible.
1. I am wicked talkative.

2. I am passionate 24/7. I am incredibly reactive--positive, negative--either way I am almost incapable of a lukewarm emotion.
3. I am a pretty good dramatic storyteller.
4. I sing and dance loudly and in public. Often.

5. I am very guarded with my romantic feelings, mostly because I fall in love easily.
6. My boobs are huge.

7. Sometimes I buy deli meat and eat it for lunch.

8. When I decide to invest in something, I invest all the way. I'm an all-or-none kind of gal.
I'm sure there are other things but those are the most obvious ones right now. I'm sure my friends would have lots of say about what makes me "different" haha.
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