Sunday, July 31, 2011

Preview of Wilderness Weekend

So. I think I work a bit too much. I need a long weekend. Which is EXACTLY what I have planned for NEXT WEEKEND!!!

I am going to MAINE!!!

Bigelow Range in Eustis, ME

But this isn't just ANY trip to Maine. I'm heading up to the Carrabassett Valley/Sugarloaf Area to my parents' cabin. AND we are meeting up with a couple of my absolute FAVORITE BFF Lane and her boyfriend Brent. Lane and I used to go on vacation with my parents to Eustis Ridge, Maine when we were young--its been like 10 years since we've gone to Maine together!!! And now, her parents bought a place about an hour from my parents' place--things are coming together, folks!

Partners in Crime for Weekend of Fun


Feeding the ducks in Rangeley

Buying classy T-shirts


Maybe a hike to Cranberry Peak? Lane and I never made it to the top when we tried as teenagers.

Apparently you can pan for gold? (Lane's Idea)

It'll be a great weekend! I am so excited--I need a little mini break from the daily grind!

I'll stay safe in the wilderness, though, don't worry friends---because in Maine, you never know who's watching you!!!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

An Intimate Portrait: Rachael

Get pumped, people. Its time for...


Rachael has been my friend since middle school---7th grade---so for 14 wonderful, eyebrow-filled years. We have remained buddies through thick and thin: bride-zillas, angry bridal shower confrontations, many drunken nights, many poor choices (MINE, not Rachael's)
We've never had an argument that I can remember, but if we did, I'm sure we'd BURY THE HATCHET!!!

Rachael and I at her wedding in 2010

One thing Rachael is known for is--wait for it--SEXY DANCE.

She is friendly and not at all confrontational when being assisted with her scooter helmet.

She is an athletic phenom.
Just kidding. Rachael isn't a slouch, but power walking is more her speed.

Men will do anything--including take their underwear off in public--for a photo op with Rachael.

DON'T write her name on a karaoke form without her permission. Things get ugly.

The aforementioned karaoke paper--Jeri had to get it back from the guy after the above confrontation

She is very loving. You never know when the LOVE will Get YA!

When she wants something, she goes for it!!!

It should be noted that Rachael is an accomplished SLP, a married woman, and owns her own home. I chose to focus on the more "colorful" aspects of her life and personality!!!!


Thursday, July 28, 2011

What's in a Scent?

In response to the out-pouring of feedback I received regarding my comments about perfume (and my theory about GAP Blue), I have decided to dedicate this post to my five favorite perfumes...and compare and contrast them by ingredients as well as the response I've received. I want to figure out just WHAT it is about GAP Blue that the men LOVE.

My Five Favorite Perfumes are as follows (in order of how much I Love them)
1. Coco Chanel Mademoiselle
2. Ralph Lauren Romance
3. GAP Blue
4. Body by Victoria
5. Victoria's Secret Supermodel

1. GAP Blue
2. Body by Victoria
3. Victoria's Secret Supermodel
4. Ralph Lauren Romance
5. Coco Chanel Mademoiselle

Let's look at these scents one by one...


Launched in 2001. Floral fragrance. Top notes are orange, mandarin orange, orange blossom and bergamot; middle notes are mimose, jasmine, turkish rose and ylang-ylang; base notes are tonka bean, patchouli, opoponax, vanilla, vetiver and white musk.

Loved By: Most women I know who have smelled it. Preferred scent of Lane by BFF.

Notes: I have NEVER had a man compliment this perfume. I love it enough to bathe in it. Where's the disconnect here? Why don't these men know what's good?


Created in 1998. Notes of rose blend, citrusy oils, water lily, white violet, ginger, patchouli, oakmoss, and white musk.

Loved By: Me. A somewhat strong scent, I have been complimented on this once or twice.

Notes: The lotion, which is milder, has gotten me far more compliments.


Launched in 1997, GAP Blue is a floral green fragrance. Features cyclamen, mandarin orange, green leaves, bergamot.

Loved by: At least 10 men throughout my life (and we're talking men in general--friends, boyfriends, random acquaintances)

Notes: When I was single, I carried a mini bottle in my purse. Honestly--there is SOMETHING in this perfume that is like CRACK to men.

"Are you wearing GAP blue???"

I am not joking about this. Single ladies, attached ladies---try THIS! Wear it and see the reaction. I would actually LOVE to hear what your results are.


Launched in 2002, its a Floral Woody Musk fragrance for women. Top notes are mimose, mandarin orange and freesia; middle notes are peony, lily, cucumber and hiacynth; base notes are sandalwood and white musk.

Loved by: Consistent, intermittent compliments. Not as strong a reaction as GAP Blue. Uniformly positive reaction.

Notes: This is the perfume that makes me feel the most sexy personally. Not necessarily the most classy--haha. Maybe a perfume for a single ladies night out?


Presented in 2007. Chinese berries, peach blossom, and sandalwood.

Loved by: Me and my former roommate Tanya!

Notes: This scent seems...immature somehow. I never wore it for a date, only for a night of fun. I did receive compliments periodically, from both men and women.


My Conclusions:

1. Either mandarin orange, bergamot, green leaves, or cyclamen must attract men (as these are the main ingredients of GAP Blue)

2. Bergamot is present in large amounts in Mademoiselle, which has attracted NO men. Bergamot is clearly not the "man grabbing scent." So, single ladies, wear Mademoiselle when you want to smell yourself---not when you want to hook a guy.

3. Mandarin orange is present in Body by Victoria (liked by men), AND Mademoiselle (ignored by men) suggesting that Mandarin orange does not make or break any fragrance.

4. "Green leaves" is a really random ingredient. Its possible that men like this, but somehow I can't imagine this contributes a strong scent to the mix.

5. CYCLAMEN is likely the MAN GRABBER. Come on, the word "men" is in the ingredient!!!

Cyclamen is a flower. And apparently men love it.
It is present in the following perfumes (for ladies who want to make things happen!!!)
-Giorgio Armani Acqua Di Gio
-Dolce & Gabbana Anthology L'Imperatice 3
-Yves St. Laurent Cinema
-Hugo Boss Pure Purple
-Victoria's Secret Sexy Little Things Noir


Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Monday, July 25, 2011

Day 29: In the Past Month What Have You Learned???

So...what have I learned?

1.) EVERY day is too much. Right now, I'm exhausted, and I wish I didn't have to blog tonight.

2.) Rachael will probably always be this blog's biggest fan.

3.) Sometimes its easier to write about a specific prompt or topic--but it can stifle genuine creativity. I hope I can come up with some stuff when the month is over!!!

4. ) I really do enjoy writing.

5. ) I need some followers.

Ok goodnight. I'm exhausted, sorry to be so abrupt. Peace out.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Day 28: One year ago and now...what has changed?

How have I changed in the last year or so?

This photo was taken at my friend Rachael's wedding, in May 2010.

At this point, I was actually starting to become more confident. I had already stopped doing unproductive things in my life such as "recycling" guys. At the point this photo was taken, I was considering how I was going to get back into the dating scene. (I joined online dating a week or two later). I was still a little different though--I already feel that, one year later, I'm too old to wear that dress again! last year, I definitely still had more of a "timeline" so to speak of when I wanted my major life events to occur (marriage, kids, etc). One constant in all of this has been the support of my friends--year to year it never changes, which I am grateful for.

This is a picture from a dinner with my friends this month.

I haven't made huge changes, to be honest. I know what I want more. I am less afraid of the future, less afraid to admit what I really want. I am less tolerant these days of people who are not supportive, not kind to me, or people who are not happy and fulfilling to my life. My timeline for having kids has moved back a few years...I am not ready for that yet. I am lucky to be with someone that makes me happy. I do feel stronger now--more mature and sure of myself, not afraid of what people think. But again, my friends have been a constant, and I doubt that will ever change.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Day 27: Why the 30 Day Challenge?

I have a bad habit of starting blogs and stopping them. The first time, it was because the "Summer Online Dating Experiment" (datingweirdguysonline.blogspot​.com) was meant to be exploratory and casual...and then, 5 posts into the blog, I met my current boyfriend. I realized that the flippant way that I was treating my own dating life was counter-productive, and decided to actually see whether things would work out with him. Once I met someone I really liked, the online dating experiment didn't seem so casual and silly anymore. So that blog DIED after 6 posts.

I started this blog in March, with good intentions. I posted 3 or 4 times, and then...whoops. Another abandoned blog. At one of our sushi dinners (which we don't have anymore since the Uncle Sushi incident), my good friend Rachael stated, "I still check your blog daily, hoping for a new post." Bottom line, Rachael's loyalty encouraged me to keep on trucking. After hearing that from her several times, I decided to give it the old college try. So I did the 3o day Challenge in the hopes of creating a habit. And I will say, not a day goes by where I don't think, "Oh yeah, I have to blog!"

I'm not sure the 30 day challenge means that I'm going to continue posting daily...but I will definitely keep going when its over!!!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Day 25: What I think of my friends...

I took this opportunity to do a mini-dedication to some of my favorite friends. I didn't include Trishy, who recently had "an intimate profile" all her own!

Ladies, please keep in mind that these pictures are not necessarily your most flattering shots, but the ones that amuse me most. Hah. Sorry.


Rachael deserves the #1 spot for two reasons: first, she is the most dedicated (and possibly ONLY) follower of this blog. Secondly, I love her eyebrow.
Words to Describe Rachael: Honest, Supportive, Genuine, Collected
Best Known For: EYEBROW
You might not know that Rachael is an intense power-walker.

Words that Describe Ana: Open, Confident, Friendly, Motivated
Best Known for: Super shiny hair
You might not know that Ana is TRI-lingual. Which makes me feel like the rest of us are lame.


Words That Describe Lynne: Happy, Idealistic, Soft-Hearted, Welcoming

Best Known for: Laughing so hard she pees

You might not know that Lynne got inflatable boobs as a 16th birthday present

CHERYL aka Che-Nay-Nay

Sidenote: Cheryl moved to Lake Tahoe and I miss her---only 3 weeks till her visit!!!

Words to Describe Cheryl: Active, Inquisitive, Energetic, Self-Assured
Best Known For: having an ass that doesn't quit

You might not know that Cheryl was only defeated ONCE in a wall-sit competition, but she was in a prom dress and heels, so it hardly counts.


Words to Describe Meg: Fun, Accepting, Positive, Athletic
Best Known For: Curly hair and an infectious laugh

You might not know that Meg and I once spent a New Years Eve in high school trying on prom dresses and toe-shoes in my bedroom because neither of our parents would let us go out.

Words to Describe Jerilyn: Talented, Eloquent, Radiant, Loyal
Best Known for: THAT VOICE

You might not know that Jerilyn once helped me put on my bra...long story.

Words to Describe Sarah: Classy, Elegant, Poised, Domestic (and in the best way possible--she's a great cook, decorates well, and gardens...all things I'm not as good at!)
Best Known For: Miss Rhode Island 2004

You might not know that Sarah and I danced together when we were very young, worked together in our teens, and I have known her forever!

Words to describe Kate: Badass, Opinionated, Dynamo, GOOD F***ing time!!!
Best Known for: Drunk Sunglasses

You might not know that Kate is an exhibitionist at times and that we all saw her naked in Atlantic City.


My best best friend in the entire world!!! Had to save her for last. (She is pictured above post-Warrior Dash!) We have been friends since we were 11 and she feels more like family to me than anything else!

Words to Describe Lane: Intelligent, Mysterious, Individualistic, INCREDIBLY supportive
Best Known for: Not returning phone calls
You might not know that Lane likes to tuck her pants into her socks to keep warm.

Well, that's it for now. I'll definitely expand on these snipits in "intimate portraits" to come, as well as introduce new friends in the future. LOVE you girls!!!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Day 25: Stuff in my Purse

I'm literally looking inside right now and typing this in real time.

Cell phone
Blistex DCT
Birth Control
Hair elastics
Bobby Pins
Mileage check I didn't cash
countless receipts
Stickers from the bachelorette last weekend
Dunkin Donuts card

If that's not the purse of a girl in her twenties, I don't know what is!!!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Day 24: A Letter to my Parents

Spoiler Alert: Personal and Marginally Mushy Post Ahead

Dear Mom & Dad,

You have always been incredibly supportive of me, and I know you're proud of me. You've always had such high expectations; frankly, I think they created a double standard of behavior between myself and my brother. I still have moments of being a bit bitter about that, to be honest. But then I think they made me motivated. I felt that failure was not an option. So I have to be thankful that you believed I could achieve great things.

I still depend on you for a lot, especially your opinions and advice. That is a double-edged sword since there are times I DO NOT WANT YOUR OPINION. But hey, you can't have your cake and eat it too.

Mom, thanks for being warm, patient, fiercely protective and so hard working. Dad, I know you put pressure on yourself with your work--thanks for giving up all those weekends, working so that I could get expensive prom dresses and room and board, etc...thanks for keeping things funny. And thanks for showing me the kind of temper I DONT want to have. hah.

I hope we get closer with time. I'm so lucky to have you. Love you guys.

Love, Laura

Monday, July 18, 2011

Day 22: What Makes you Different from Anyone Else

Hard question. People are all unique in their own way. And it seems like talking about what makes you "different" sounds a lot like tooting your own horn. So I'll try to keep true to the prompt and answer as honestly as possible.

1. I am wicked talkative.

2. I am passionate 24/7. I am incredibly reactive--positive, negative--either way I am almost incapable of a lukewarm emotion.

3. I am a pretty good dramatic storyteller.

4. I sing and dance loudly and in public. Often.

5. I am very guarded with my romantic feelings, mostly because I fall in love easily.

6. My boobs are huge.

7. Sometimes I buy deli meat and eat it for lunch.

8. When I decide to invest in something, I invest all the way. I'm an all-or-none kind of gal.

I'm sure there are other things but those are the most obvious ones right now. I'm sure my friends would have lots of say about what makes me "different" haha.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Day 21: Picture of Something that Makes me Happy

I really LOVE dance. I especially love watching people who are amazing at it (since despite my love for dance I was not given extreme talent)

Watching a dancer almost always makes me happy.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Day 20 P.S.

In a continuation to the previous BFF Trishy is about to marry THIS man...

Needless to say, this is only going to add to the fun!

Day 20: Someone I See Myself With in the Future & An Intimate Profile

Someone I see myself with...hmmmm.

Duh. Easy one.

And now for...


And today I will, for the first time, dedicate a post to one of my friends. (I think this is a fun game and I will probably be doing it again—look OUT! Especially you, Rachael! You're on deck.)

I am about to embark on the bachelorette party for my friend Trish.

And on this momentous occasion, I would like to take an opportunity to thank one of my best friends for all the fun she has contributed to my life over the years.

Some fun facts about Trishy…

She loves to sing Journey

She loves a good theme

She enjoys spontaneous dramatic dance poses

She is a lover of nature

She enjoys tapping the rockies

She loves to snuggle

She loves to be fancy

There are more things to know about Trishy, but that’s just a taste!!!

I would also like to personally thank Trish for driving myself and Tamber home on this night, in 2006.

We. Would. Not. Have. Made. It.