Friday, March 1, 2013




I lost a pound.

I should be happy right? Well...I'm not devastated, but not exactly happy.

I was SUPER consistent this week. And I expected to maybe bounce back to 167, where I was before.

Maybe even lose more weight...

Those secret hopes will kill ya.

I'm getting my period today (TMI?) so this MAY be bloat, not sure.  The constipation issue is mostly resolved (wow TMI #2) and I am very well-hydrated. I am going to do one more week at this intensity to see what's up. See what I need to do to move forward.

It's possible that I just need to be a little lower in calories to push past this plateau.
Or that I need to amp up the exercise MORE.
Or both. 

Because this IS a plateau, and I am fairly certain that this is why I'm having trouble pushing past it.
In 7th and 8th grade, I weighed between 167 and 170 for a couple of YEARS.

And wouldn't you know it? My body remembers.
And LIKES it. 

OR I'm gaining muscle.

I've heard probably 20 times this week how thin I look.
"Are you losing more weight?"
"You look so tiny!"

Ironically, these comments make me INSANE inside (despite the heartfelt "thanks!" that I respond with)...because I want to scream,

"NOPE. I'm not losing ANYTHING. I'm staying the SAME. It's EXHAUSTING! But THANKS!!!" 

The thing is, I've been at a plateau before. 
185-187 lbs. It sucked.  Read it HERE:  Previous Horrible Plateau

So I'm not giving up. I didn't give up 20 lbs. ago and I'm not giving up now. I didn't lose 72 lbs. to be a quitter.


Deep breath. 

Trudging forward....

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