Friday, March 8, 2013

Just Keep Swimming.

The good news: I'm back down to 167, my lowest weight ever. 
The bad news: It just two weeks to lose two pounds (working out 5-6 days a week.) 

CONFESSION: I cheated BIG TIME at Rachael's. 
I ate six cake pops. 
Approximately 15 chocolate pretzel bites.
And a good amount of buffalo chicken dip. 

(In addition to all the fruit, veggies, and dip I also ate, which I considered OK per my diet.) 

I still lost weight this week, though. 

(Makes you wonder how much I would have lost without the cake pops haha.) 

But more about where I'm at. 

167 is symbolic. 
(and stresses me out.) 

Here's why: 

1. The last time I weighed this was in 8th grade. 

2.  I maintained a weight between 167-170 (eerily similar to the last MONTH 
of my life, right?) for a full TWO YEARS, meaning my body LOVES being this size. 
Nutritionists would call this a "set point."

3. The last time I was UNDER this weight was in 6th grade. 
I wasn't even fully developed yet. 
I weighed 156. (Which is HEAVIER than my goal.) 
I'm not sure if I can reach a weight that is, technically, "Pre-pubescent."
(Or at least, "Mid-pubescent" haha.) 

 4. I weighed 141 in 4th grade, 156 at the end of fifth grade. Meaning I am aiming for a weight 
that I weighed in ELEMENTARY school

5. I'm not saying I can't do this. I'm just saying that I have a sneaking suspicion it's about to get HARD.

 Example: Lane and I at the cabin. I'm 15 in the picture, meaning I weighed about 185. This picture was taken almost 14 years ago. I have been heavy so long, it's a little scary to think that maybe my body won't cooperate with the plan!!!


I'm going to give it my all. Maybe I'll reach a weight that's slightly higher than 150 and be satisfied. Maybe not. But I'm going to try and just breathe, relax, do what I need to do, and see what happens.

Keep pushing, pushing, pushing...

On an un-related note: 

I am going on a little mini-vaca to visit some long-lost friends/loves this week! I leave Thursday to go visit Ann in Arkansas, and to see Ang & Gabe (AND LYLA!!!) in Kansas. I'm so excited!!! There will definitely be posts about this next week!!!! 

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