Sunday, March 10, 2013

Happy Birthday Grampy!

Just wanted to take a quick moment on this Sunday night to dedicate a post to one of my favorite guys. 

My Grampy, known as "Big Ed" to most people, turned 92 this week. 
We had a little party for him today, at the nursing home. 

The Birthday Boy

As many of you know, my Grampy as Alzheimer's. We are lucky that his progression has been relatively slow. He has bad and good days, often forgets words, has trouble keeping up in conversation and expressing himself. But we are blessed that he hasn't lost his personality. And I thank God every time I go to see him and he still recognizes me and gives me a kiss. But I know that won't always be the case. And even though we couldn't manage to care for him at home anymore, I still see him quite often. He has daily visitors. 

This picture was taken in 2006, at his 85th birthday soiree. As you can see, the last seven years have aged him a lot.

My grandfather is a man of distinction. 

He is what some people would call a character. He has a big personality.

Hundreds of friends. Zero enemies.

People tell stories. Everybody knows "Big Ed."

Even in the nursing home, he flirts with the nurses and assistants, purring and winking.

And...he pretty much taught me how to be AWESOME. 

Big Ed knows how to work hard. He worked hard all his life. He also knows how to relax and have a good time.  He can tell a joke. (When he was in his prime he was HILARIOUS.) He might not tell jokes of his own anymore, but he definitely enjoys a good laugh. He is patient. Literally never raised his voice to me EVER. (And I spent WEEKS with him in Maine.)  Has been known to sing along to old songs (and to add special endings to songs like "happy birthday"), once impaled himself on deer antlers and fixed it with bag balm and scotch tape (instead of going to the ER), and loves Ginger Brandy. He drank some today actually.

I know my Grampy has lived an amazing life. He represented America in the Pan-American Games in marksmanship. He was drafted by the St. Louis Cardinals after high school (but his father wouldn't sign the permission for him to play--he was 17), served in WWII on a Navy repair ship in the South Pacific, was married to my Grammy for 61 years, had two daughters who spawned generations of family (including seeing a great-great grandchild.) He and my grandmother travelled the world. He has friends near and far. He survived malaria, dyptheria, cancer. He retired early, and spent 20 years enjoying Florida, Maine, & Hawaii with his wife. He has lived the kind of life many people envy. 

I know it's selfish to want more---because so many people don't have any of their grandparents. 
I've been LUCKY. 

But I wish he didn't have to live with Alzheimer's. 

In the end, my family celebrated today. His life, all he has accomplished, all he has meant to us.
And while he might not have been the person telling all of the jokes, he was still there to laugh with us.
Because who he really is is still there---in that twinkle in his eye!

And he still enjoyed a cup or two of ginger brandy! 

Happy Birthday, Grampy! Love you! 

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