Friday, March 29, 2013

Checking the Damage.

Weighed myself. 169. 

Typically, a gain like this would DEVASTATE me. But I expected I might still not be back to baseline.

I mean, I hoped I would be.

Considering that, based on the calories I've cut the last nine days since I've been home and the workouts I've done, I SHOULD have been back to baseline.

And as disappointed as I am, I know I should expect to gain weight if I go crazy eating and drinking.
...I'm a little daunted by this though. 


This is the FIRST time I've allowed this. Allowed myself to completely go off the diet for longer than a day. And it's a preview right? Of how maintenance will be.

And looks like it's not going to be easy. 

I know I brought this on myself, but knowing how many calories I've cut...I've just got to say that it's obvious that my system was able to put weight back on REALLY easily.

Which is scary. 

Because even though I know I'll never be "off" this diet/lifestyle change, I had hoped that I could find a happy medium.

And who knows? Maybe I can...I did go off the diet quite a bit. But still! It was like FIVE days.
I've been back for NINE!!!

Hopefully I'll be back where I was ASAP...

Pushing forward...

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