Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Who goes to Arkansas & Kansas for Vacation?

Today is my 29th birthday. Officially 2 years since I started this blog. 
(And makes me think about the shelf life of my blog name, "twenty. seven."

I'll share my feelings about this new milestone ASAP. 

But for now, a little re-cap of my vacation visiting my long lost friends!!! 

I visited Bentonville, Arkansas to visit my girl Ann. Our weekend started with tickets to Northwest Arkansas Fashion Week. We got fancy and look some pics, suitable for framing if I don't say so myself!!! 

Last Friday was gorgeous! 80 degrees. Sunny. Perfect. 
We enjoyed daytime cocktails, amazing dinner, and went to the Museum of American Art to see the Norman Rockwell exhibit. 

We enjoyed a Bonfire at Ann & Justin's friend Snow's house. So much fun! Food and new friends! 

It was so wonderful to see my friend! We had such a good time, and it's rejuvenating to re-unite with people you are close to! I am so excited to see Ann & Justin get married this fall!!! 

And THEN I rented a car and drove about 260 miles across Arkansas, Missouri, into KANSAS!!! Because Wichita is the home of my long lost Big and Small Spoons, Angela & Gabe!!! The drive was quick and uneventful, and before I knew it, I was in Wichita! 

I spent two days with this ADORABLE chunk of muffin! 
I am so excited to meet my little "niece" Lyla! 
I am irrationally excited to be her Auntie!!! 
We played, and had chat time. 
(Including some pretty great chats with mom & dad, who I've missed dearly.) 

Lyla and I even squeezed in a photo shoot!!! 

 Not impressed. 

 Hey Girl!!! 


Could you just DIE with this little doll? I could eat her. (And I did.) 

Ang & Gabe moved back to Kansas over two years ago now. Every time I see them it's exciting and fun, but it's been a long time yet---and I never saw Angela pregnant and this is my first time meeting Lyla. It's so touching to see my kind, amazing friends that have become kind, amazing parents. And sitting in their living room, sipping Gabe's home brew, chatting and laughing, reminded me just how MUCH I've missed them!!! But it also reminds me that true friendships transcend separation and the passage of time!!! 

So looking forward to this summer and fall, when I will see both Ann & Justin's wedding and enjoy Ang & Gabe's visit to the East Coast! I am beyond excited! 

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