Thursday, August 4, 2011

Dream Vacations

On the eve of my exciting long weekend, I decided to think about my DREAM vacations. I love travel (not that I've done much of it--Guatemala and California are about the extent of my world travels)...but I really want to see new places in the future. And when people I know go cool places, I find myself constantly saying "I've ALWAYS wanted to go there!!!"

But these dream vacations are not created equal.

My imagined scenario is this: I win a fantasy worldwide vacation package. I can only visit 5 places. It really helps put into perspective the places I REALLY want to go. For example, always wanted to go to Australia. In my top 10--but didn't make the super amazing top 5.

Here we go...Dream vacation kicks off in...


Cape Town, wildlife, beaches, amazing in general, no big deal. Plus its AFRICA. Which makes it more awesome anyway.


Rolling hills, village streets, castles, and beer. Sounds about right. Plus the accent is so cool.

No explanation necessary. This is looks like a screen saver--this place actually exists!

I've heard that Iceland is lush, green and amazing. Mountains, hot springs, heaven on Earth. And under-rated I think--I mean, everyone forgets about Iceland.


A lot of people go to Greece these days. (My BFF Trish is going in LESS than 2 weeks for her honeymoon, for example!) And there's a reason Greece is so popular...

It's badass.

Gorgeous. Warm. Amazing. With history and mystery.

And great food.

And tan, gorgeous people.

Greece is to countries what Chuck Norris is to action heroes. Enough said.

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