Saturday, March 17, 2012

The Incredible Shrinking Woman


I need to update a little more often. (per Lane.)

But's an update!

My friend from Kansas who is now pregnant posted recently about how her blog has become all about her pregnancy. I laughed, because I was recently thinking about how MY blog has become all about my WEIGHT LOSS. But, its my blog. So guess what?



Epic update.

I have lost ~25 lbs. since December 26th.
I lost another 2.2 lbs. this week.
And reached a milestone.


A few weeks/months ago I posted about my weight here.

I would like to announce that I am officially back to my "thin" weight!

And I'm feeling great. BUT...
I'm not going to stop here.
I want to lose about 45 more lbs.

I am running a 3.2 mile leg of the New Bedford Half Marathon tomorrow. I work with special needs children and we push our kids (relay style).
I am excited, but nervous of course. I figure its for a good cause, and I am so ready to make a difference for one of our kids.

And finally, I wanted to say a couple words about old friends. Some that have come into my life recently and I have rediscovered. And others that, well, I need to say goodbye to.

I'd like to introduce some of my new friends to you...

"Oh hi, jaw! Nice to see you again!"

"Mr. Collarbone? I forgot about you!!"

And its time to say goodbye to some old, dear, tried-and-true friends...

"Thank you jeans, for supporting my tubby ass, but you're too big, and we have to break up!"

"Dear Giant Gut, you're now a tiny belly and soon you'll be gone. Go F*** yourself. I will not miss you."

And the most complicated good-bye. My boobs. I've lost at least 2 cup sizes. Now granted, I had some boob I could stand to lose! But, having a chest measurement that falls back onto the normal sizes chart is almost WEIRD. I am a 1/2 cup size away from no longer having to special order my bras! That being said, I'll miss my huge boobs sometimes. But I think, overall, I'm cool with the smaller version.

So, the point is...I'm going to stay the course.
Pounds lost: 25
Pounds to go: 45

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