Saturday, March 10, 2012

Big Ed: The Man, The Myth, The Legend

The grandfather is literally the coolest man ever to live.

The best, most awesome, funniest...He is the big boss man.

I learned to be cool from the expert.

Being Cool with Grampy

My grandfather has been a stud from Day One. When he was born, the doctors thought he was stillborn. But in typical Ed fashion he started crying and thus was a force in this world. Big Ed was born!

He was a big man on campus. Stud. Athlete. Pimp.

Until he was driving down the street one day and saw my grandmother. And then he was hooked. He said, "I'm going to marry that girl."

And unlike the other swooning high school girls in Woonsocket, Grammy didn't even know who he was! Which made her all the more attractive...

They were married in 1943 and stayed married for 60 years, until she died in 2003. Grampy was a manly man in a house full of women.

He LOVED my grandmother.

Grampy painting Grammy's toes the morning of their 60th anniversary.
She was too sick then to do it herself.

He has always been a fantastic Grandpa! I was his first and only granddaughter. And despite the fact that he enjoys "manly" pursuits, he still spent plenty of time making memories with me!

Always there to pry me off of an unsuspecting cartoon character

He built the "Laura Robin" Trail on our property in Maine...

And built me a swing...

And taught me how to be a badass. Relax. Enjoy Life.

Special Note: Grampy survived malaria, cancer, dyptheria, thyphoid. He appreciates his life.

He was always ready for action. Shades, Camera, Suspenders.
"Best Grandpa in the World" T-shirt.
(Which was true.)

He even made fishing (which I hate) as fun as it could possibly be!!!

And he always brought the laughs to any card or board game! And also enjoys his favorite beverage: Ginger Brandy!

As I grew, he still called me "The apple of his eye."

Today, my Grampy has slowed down. We celebrated his 91st birthday this week. A few years ago he was diagnosed with Alzheimer's and its been tough to see him deteriorate. I try to kiss him everyday...because he is just the most amazing Grampy anyone ever had!!

Notable Big Ed Quotes:

"If Shit Were Brains, I'd Be a Miracle."

"There are 48 ways to cook spam. I've had it 49."

"Do farts have lumps?"

"They told me, 'cheer up, things could get worse.' So I cheered up, and sure as hell, things got worse."

I am grateful for every second, hour, day, and year I've had with my Grampy. Every memory, kiss, laugh, and adventure. Alzheimers cannot take that away.

Happy Birthday Grampy! I love you so much! I'm so lucky you're mine!

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