Sunday, March 25, 2012

An attempt at more consistent posts...

Guess what??? TWO IN A ROW. (I'd like to dedicate this to Lane, who will pee herself when she sees two consecutive posts.)

This is just a lil mini post.

Over the past few weeks, many of my weeknights have been monopolized by singing rehearsals.

For a clef singer reunion concert. (pause for reaction)
DEFINITELY my nerdiest endeavor to date.

Info can be found HERE!!!

On the downside, it definitely is taking up a lot of time and energy. On the upside, we sound really amazing and there's going to be 1000+ people attending.

One of the numbers we're doing is a song I LOVE by Billy Joel. "And So It Goes."

If you don't know it, see Billy sing it on YouTube, HERE!!!
(and if you don't know it, listen! simple, beautiful...great lyrics)

My favorite is...

So I would choose to be with you,
That's if the choice were mine to make.
But you can make decisions too--
And you can have this heart to break.
And so it goes, and so it goes...
And you're the only one who knows.

The first time we sang it through in rehearsal I felt emotional at that part...and still do...but I just think its a beautiful song.

And a little note on my lack of pounds lost this week...

My hips measured over 50" when I started losing weight...several inches bigger. (not that I admitted it.)

I'd been measuring 48" for a few weeks now...
But today...

I guess pounds aren't the only things being lost around here!

Happy Sunday everyone! :)

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