Wednesday, September 7, 2011

I have good news and I have bad news...

Its been a busy couple of days.

First of all--GOOD NEWS--lets have a round of applause for Rachael for eating TWO PIECES OF SUSHI last night !!! She didn't gag or puke...nice work!!!

Secondly, its been quite a day. Here's the NOT SO GREAT NEWS. So I'm driving down 195 near Fall River, heading home (excited to get out EARLY and have some time to RELAX)...when I glance at my radio, and notice that my digital clock is off. Like, not lit up. As I'm looking, my radio SHUTS OFF. My windshield wipers start gradually slowing down. My battery light comes on. My car feels...weird.


So I pull off into a Newport Creamery in Fall River as my car craps out. I call AAA and eventually this dude shows up. I ask him if he's going to test the battery, and he replies, "I don't test it. I just tow it. "

Then he asks where I need to be towed. I say "Cumberland RI."
He says, "Well looks like I'M not going home anytime soon."
Whatever. You're an ass.

Long story short, this guy drove me all the way back to Cumberland. Among other gems, he told me LOTS about himself, including that his son is too feminine.
Also, he confided, "I give my girlfriends my truck number so they call me here. That way my wife or kids won't pick up the home phone."

So now I'm driving a rental and recovering. long day.

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