Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Oh hi, your hair is whack.

So I've been very confused about my hair lately. Not so much confused I guess as...unsure as to what I want to do. I want to wear it curly MOST days...but its so damn long. I want it to be blonde--but I don't want roots and I don't want it to wash me out in the winter. What is a girl to do? Wear it long and some weird in-between color.
Here's what my "middle ground" looks like...

Recently, I also struck gold with a pretty SWEET up do as well for Trishy's wedding. I loved that there was dimension to my hair and that it wasn't too blonde...then I woke up the next morning and wanted it LIGHTER! The grass is always greener!

These concerns aren't for nothing. I worry about my hair for a reason.

I've made MISTAKES before...

Exhibit A: 2003.

I think it goes without saying that a curly brown bob wasn't the way to go. Boo. Oh hi, wanna date me? No? Cool.

Exhibit B: But what are you talking about, Laura? This pretty updo?


How about when I forget to curl the back/underneath? Thanks for getting this SWEET back shot of my UNFINISHED hair, Ana! I'm really sexy. From. the. front. only.

And sometimes, for fun, I like to straighten my hair to the point where it sits FLAT AGAINST MY SKULL. No big deal. My dress is hot.

And let's not forget when I decide to go PLATINUM in the middle of winter. That won't wash you out and make your skin look "dusty rose" colored.

And wait till the cut grows out. Then you try to wear it curly and get that super fun, frizzy in-between length. Shown here. Circa 2007.

But I've had good hair too.

I've come to the conclusion that my hair looks best TWO ways...

Look 1: Shorter and Straightened. Golden Blonde.

Look 2: Long and Wavy. White blonde mixed with Golden Blonde.

So basically, I cut my hair like once every 12-18 months. In between, I grow it until it looks like the above picture. Then I CUT it so it looks like "Look 1". Either way, brown hair isn't working and neither is platinum blonde.

I wanted to share some of my WORST hair moments with you guys--so that maybe you realize that my fears about having bad hair are NOT unfounded!

Bad things CAN happen to good hair.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Rock Me Like a Hurricane

Irene is a-blowin out there, lots of branches down, no power outtage (YET)...

Perfect opportunity to spend some time inside, blogging...

Last night's prep consisted of getting gas & REDBOX. Here I am, showing off my houndstooth print nails while Brian does the dirty work and pics out some movies...

THEN, we honkered down with some wine, and geared up for Irene's fury...

Ironically enough, she's been a dud so far. We still have power. So Brian baked me a cake.

Happy Hurricane Day! Stay safe out there!!!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Top Ten Favorite Movies

I got to thinking about my ABSOLUTE favorite movies. The great ones, the sappy ones, and weird ones that no one else likes (see #5)...and decided to share my AWESOME list with my faithful followers.

10. The Notebook

Ever need a good sob? Apparently it doesn't matter how many times I see this movie, it always makes me cry. The old man saying "that's my sweetheart in there. I'm not leaving her." AHH! Tears! Nevermind the fact that the rain scene is S.E.X.Y. with a capital S. Where are all the men that will build you a dream house just so that you come back to them? and write you 365 letters? Ryan Gossling makes typical men seem just...insufficient in some way.

9. A League of Their Own

When I was young, my Dad called me "Big Dottie" after Gena Davis' character in this movie. "There's no crying in baseball" is one of the most true statements ever uttered. I particularly like when Jimmy Duggan tells the ump that he looks like "a little penis with a hat on."

8. Legends of the Fall

Ok, so not a movie everyone has seen. My roommate in college thought it was "depressing." Its a tragic story, but its more about redemption. Seriously, if you like dramatic movies, watch this one. Sidenote: I am not a big Brad Pitt admirer but he's pretty darn good looking in this flick.

7. Anchorman

"It's so damn hot. Milk was a bad choice."

"What? You pooped in the refrigerator? And you ate a whole wheel of cheese? I'm not even mad, that's amazing."

"You're like a miniature buddha, covered in hair."

"You have an absolutely breathtaking hiney. That things' good. I wanna be friends with it."

"I hear their periods attract bears. The bears can smell the menstuation. Did you hear that Ed? Bears. Now you're putting the whole station in jeopardy."

"60% of the time, it works...everytime."


6. Little Miss Sunshine
This movie is heart-warming and REALLY funny. I crack UP at the end when the little girl is dancing to Super Freak at the super uptight pagaent. If you haven't seen this movie, do yourself and solid and watch it. You won't be disappointed.

5. Forever Young

My father and I once debated which Mel Gibson movie was more stupid, "What Women Want", or my OBSESSION, "Forever Young." This is legit a B-class rom-com from the early 90s. He gets frozen for 50 years and wakes up still young. Without giving the whole thing away, the end always has me in tears. Sure, the premise is far-fetched but there's something about this flick that keeps me coming back for more, teary-eyed romance and drama.

4. Office Space
"There WAS nothing wrong with the name Michael Bolton until I was about twelve years old and that no-talent, ass clown got famous and started winning grammys."
This movie is friggin hilarious. Particularly the scene above, where the kick the shit out of the printer in a field. "PC load letter? What the FUCK does that mean????"

3. Cinderella Man

OK, this movie is amazing. Russell Crowe, who basically can do no wrong. Paul Giamatti, always amazing in supporting roles. Renee Zellweger (who I normally can't stand with her scrunched up face) is even incredible. You root for Jimmy Braddock the ENTIRE movie, its fantastic and based on a true story. My dad cries at the end of this movie.

2. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

This movie could even be tied for #1, I love it so much. I love the idea that people try to escape their pain, want to erase loved ones that have been lost because it hurts too much--and yet you lose so much MORE by forgetting. The way the characters re-live their life together and, in the end, find each other again (or do they? best part of the movie is that you don't even know whats going to happen to them for sure.) Its great how they show how love can be so complex...where you can love someone so much and yet things fall apart--but that the experiences, memories, love, etc...are worth something even when the person is gone. The moral of the story is that it is better to have LOVED, and lost, then not to have loved at all.

1. The Shawshank Redemption

"Hope is a good thing. Maybe the best of things. And no good thing ever dies."

Well, there they are. The top ten movies according to yours truly. Hope you enjoyed reading them as much as I enjoyed writing about them!!!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


One of the benefits of having a blog is that I get to talk about WHATEVER I want. I also posted a fun little description of all my friends a few weeks back, and included pictures that were not their most, ahem, flattering.

So I'd like to take this opportunity to do a little post about what I think were my friends BEST LOOKS in recent history. Mostly formal looks, a couple casual dresses. Lane and Trish are not included, because I couldn't find the pics of them that I wanted. Also, I did NOT include your wedding dresses (for my married friends) because then this would be a page of brides.

Keep in mind that you all look stunning all the time, but I wanted to congratulate you on some particularly good fashion choices you've made...

SARAH--the right way to do florals

Sarah wore this gorgeous, bright dress on the day she got engaged. I love how its fitted at the waist but still flow-y, bright but still classy, young and feminine. It looks great on her, and she looks so beautiful in the pictures. And you didn't even realize you'd be photographed! Ha!

RACHAEL--Sexy but Classy
Oh, hi, Rachael has a hot bod. We all knew this, but I felt like this dress was classy but sexy at the same time. You look curvy but fit, its just STUN-NING. I don't always like two-tone dresses but I love this one! You're so hot, Rachael.

MEGGLES--gets the party started--hot but comfy
Meg is a big fan of the sheath dress. Easy to wear, basic, allows you to shine with understated, comfortable fashion. Meg dances up a STORM at weddings, so she needs comfort baby! I loved this coral color on her, as well as the gathered v-neck. Looking good, Meg! Wear this one again!

LYNNE--glowing and flawless
This dress is so gorgeous. I wasn't even around when you wore it, but it looks AMAZING! Love the draping, love the color, love the hair, you look great!

KATE--whatever matches the sunglasses ;)

Kate wore this draped chiffon number to Rachael's wedding. It looked classy even once the glasses and booze were out in full force. She looked so feminine and precious. AND you matched Lynne's mom! Holla!

JERILYN--stop being so pretty all the time, it makes me feel inferior
LOVE the color and fit of this dress. Looks amazing with her blonde hair, little bit of sparkle, and I just love it. It didn't zip over my boobs when I tried it on (boooo) but Jeri wore it best anyway. Sidenote: It was really hard to find my "favorite" look for Jeri--I don't know if I've mentioned this but I think you have great taste!

ANGELA--move back to RI, also, you're hot.
Angela wore this bridesmaids dress and posted it on FB. I love it so much I wanted to buy it to wear myself, NOT as a bridesmaid. Love the color, especially with your hair and skin. You look radiant, happy, and amazing. So stylish but timeless.

ANA--every man's dreamgirl
Need I say more? Jesus this looks so great on Ana--I'm a big fan of form-fitting satin, and bright vibrant colors. Love this look. Plus Ana is about nine feet tall and gorgeous so that doesn't hurt.

I've enjoyed this opportunity to act like a fashion critic. You girls are hot. I give it two thumbs UP!!!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Sally Hansen does it again!!!

Fact: Brian wears sneakers daily and has pretty INTENSE sock lines. Like, looks like he's wearing white socks when he's barefoot. its funny.

We tried to even out his sock tan with Sally Hansen's airbrush legs. haha. the results are as follows...

Pretty sexy right???

Sunday, August 21, 2011

We Need Your Underwears

This weekend I had the pleasure of celebrating my stunning friend Jerilyn's bachelorette party!!! This wonderful Cape Cod experience started with a beach day and then moved on the hotel for drinks, some risque games and fun, and then headed to Fresh Ketch in Hyannis for Karaoke!!!

The Gorgeous Bride-to-Be

Me & Jeri sporting LOTS of color from the beach---tan for her, RED for me!

Jeri with her MOHs; Andrea & Sarah

Princess Brigade in Downtown Hyannis!!!

"I love Jesus! He made this carousel. With his craftsmanship."

Lynne & I

Rach & Sarah enjoying the show @ karaoke!

Lynne breaking it down with the hippie


Amazing time, amazing friends. So fun to meet Jeri's friends from Jersey! It was such a great day and night, celebrating one of the happiest, most deserving people I know. Congratulations to Jerilyn and Steve--can't wait to celebrate with you two at your wedding!!!

Friday, August 19, 2011

'Nail'-ed it!!!

So on a recent weekend trip to Maine with my bestie Lane, I looked down at her toes and saw LACE print nails.
She immediately launched into this story about how great this Sally Hanson nail strips are--that they have tons of fun prints, stay on a long time, and are reasonably priced. So I went out today and bought myself some...I purchased FISHNET (since my friend Jeri is having her bachelorette tomorrow and its only appropriate!!!)

My nails look just like the picture above (a little shorter of course), and it was SO easy!!! Ladies, you have to try these nail strips! They cost $9.29, you get a bunch of strips (that will last you about 2 applications)...and it was worth every penny (at least so far!!)

I still want to try...


Black & white floral

And many more! Available at CVS, etc. I'll update on whether they STAY on!!!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


So many long posts lately. Figured I'd share a dream of mine. It's about a guy named "Mike"

That's right...

It's Mike. The micro pig. (Get it? Mike because of micro? I know, smart.)
I want to own him. And his boots.

Figured I'd share this tiny tidbit of info that I REALLY want a tiny pig to take for walks and buy tiny clothes for.

Someday Mike, you'll be mine!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

An Intimate Portrait: Cheryl

In honor of my amazing friend Cheryl's east coast visit, I've decided to dedicate this blog post to her! Cheryl and I met in PT school, where we quickly became close buddies. I absolutely adore my little yoga-loving, veggie-eating, nomad, "no worries" friend!

And I wanted to share some things about my friendship with Cheryl...

1. She is AMAZING at wall sits. Against Pat especially. Here she is, moments before victory...didn't even put the drink down!!!

Note: She has only lost ONCE. And she was wearing a prom dress and heels at my Super Sweet 24 Birthday Prom. Pat's moment of glory is pictured below...

There is no one I would rather....

Drink from a spigot with...

Push around the street in a shopping cart...

Be effortlessly fancy with...

World travel with to the jungle of Guatemala with...


Get the party started with...

Be creepy with...

Climb trees with...

Drink bloody mary's with...

SPOON with... (OK Brian might win this one, but Cheryl really loves to be the big spoon)

Drink mini bottles of wine on a booze cruise with...

And...and...and...there are so many others!!! Just a few moments in our hilarious and great friendship! Love you Cher!