Sunday, April 29, 2012

I freaking love summer.

So...on this GORGEOUS spring day, why not share my plans for this spring/summer???

In the spirit of getting excited about some potential FUN coming up...

1. I am working a 4-day week, starting the 3rd week of May. Fridays OFF!!! 

2. Which means, I will be spending as much time as possible HERE
(I haven't been able to get to the beach much the last few years, and I am EXCITED!!!)

3. Beach camping in Narragansett with the Betty Whites in Early July. Shit show no doubt. 

4. Cousin-Fest 2012 Kicks off June 8th!!!! (And my cousin Kate graduates!) 

5. I am going to buy a car with air conditioning. 

6. Sometime in the next few months, I will run 10 miles without stopping. I've done 8 miles my last two times out...I can smell victory! 

7. Erika (my best friend from undergrad) gets married June 2nd!!! 

8. And Tracey, my friend from work, gets married June 30th! 

9. Small thing: I'm going to grow fresh tomatoes so I don't spend so much at the market! 

10. I will fit in at least ONE trip to Eustis (preferably with Lane & Brent again...) 

11. And get up to North Conway and canoe on the Saco at least once! 

12. I will (hopefully) wear my first (public) bikini. EEK. 

13. And plan some kind of vacation (since I need one.) 

What are your big summer plans???

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