Saturday, April 14, 2012

I'm gonna cut somebody.

Guess what. No happy post today.

Weighed in. GAINED 0.7 pounds back.

I know I made a joke about the Easter candy. But honestly...I spent the ENTIRE week trying to make up for it.

I cut carbs way down so I'd burn the sugar and fat I stored on Easter.
I worked out four times, including an EIGHT MILE RUN yesterday.
I drank lots of water.
I got plenty of sleep.

Not to be whiny and dramatic, but WHAT THE F***????

I'm going to whine now. You've been given fair warning.

This SUCKS. Its one thing when you don't BUST YOUR ASS every day, but I worked so hard this week to make up for that day that I should have Maintained! Are you kidding, I actually burned more than I ate this week, INCLUDING the candy!!!

It makes you think, is it worth it?

I give myself 24 hours of breathing room, then kill myself for days to make up for it...and STILL GAIN WEIGHT???

This is the pity party that typically throws me off the wagon.

Its just so frustrating.

I know I just need to deal with this. But I've been crying for 20 minutes and frankly, I'm pissed off, defeated, and feeling pretty angry/depressed.

I'll let you know if it lasts.

Pounds lost: 31.3
Pounds to go: 38.7

(this is bullshit.)

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