Monday, April 9, 2012

Fat Monday

When I gain back 32 pounds this week, it will be no one's fault but mine.

Here is what I ate on Sunday: 10 Swedish fish, 8 mini eggs, a piece of strawberry shortcake, a chocolate egg, and a mini marshmellow bunny. I am a FAT KID. I'm going to eat very little sugar this week and work out a the hopes that I'll maybe not gain weight. EEK.

Obsessed with pistachios as well. I just ate 50. A girl's got to eat SOMETHING!!!

I am loving the new season of Game of Thrones. Boobs, be-headings, constant excitement!

Thanks to Rachael for a GREAT girl's night on Saturday!!! So fun to see all my ladies!

Lastly. I've been doing some thinking lately. This song pretty much sums it up. :)

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