About how I was going to move on and not dwell...
Well I've realized something about myself.
That despite my best efforts to vent and de-stress...
Sometimes I internalize my frustration and feelings of inadequacy.
And when you they come out???
You guessed it.
When your boyfriend tries to teach you how to play rummy.
Normal Person Response:
"But Laura, how could your frustration come out then? During a fun and lighthearted card game? On a weekend? with your BOO???"
Yeah, it was ugly.
Rummy and BRIAN bore the brunt of my frustrations.
There was crying.
There was pouting.
There was yelling.
...And there was a smirking boyfriend, who maintained his grasp on reality, mocking me.

That's right. This Saturday, this 27-year-old adult woman threw a TANTRUM over rummy.
Fun Phrases of the Day Included:
"It doesn't make it better that you're rubbing it in. You think this is hilarious, don't you? You enjoy my misery."
"Why don't I EVER win at anything??? No matter what I do, I NEVER WIN."
"You're never going to get this ace. Asshole."
I also accused him of cheating, threw my cards at the couch, and cried into a pillow.
He responded with several different phrases, most of which started with "You're a classic overachiever and a sore loser. stop pouting."
But admitting the problem is the first step right?
My name is Laura. (Hi Laura.)
I'm an overstressed physical therapist that throws adult tantrums.
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that my frustration didn't have anything to do with rummy. And of course I apologized profusely, dried my tears and moved on. But I've decided that the next time I want to take a mental health day, I'm going to DO IT.
...and try my hand at rummy again next weekend. haha.
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