Thursday, October 20, 2011


I've been doing a lot of thinking lately. Work hasn't been super easy. Life is good none-the-less.

I have been thinking about life in general. (I know, a bit broad. Maybe a little too serious for a Thursday night?)

Facebook isn't life, I get it. But I've accumulated a LOT of friends on facebook. And I've got to be honest--put it out there...

I'm not sure how I feel about everyone getting married.

It seems like literally everyone is getting married these days. I'm 27, I know...its a prime marrying age...and I really want marriage for myself too at some point. A husband, kids, the whole nine yards.

But isn't there ANYTHING else happening to people?

Maybe its that I'm not on the marriage track right now. Not engaged. Not on the baby track. Don't have a house.

Sometimes I feel like I'm missing the boat. Its hard to see other people doing things you want (or think you want) to do.

Its like there's this ticking clock...GET YOUR LIFE GOING, LAURA...and yet, I'm pretty happy with how it is. I know it needs to move on eventually, and I want it to...
But what's the rush?

Do you ever feel like people miss out on things by rushing???

Guess what? You're going to DIE someday anyway. There are more than a few ways to find happiness. I just have this overwhelming feeling that...just for today...taking deep breaths and walking in the sunshine and helping the kids and hugging my boyfriend is ENOUGH. That I don't need the NEXT step and NEXT step and NEXT step so quickly.

People that have been married for years talk about the days before...when they were still "just. dating." I've got news for all my 27 year old ladies out there just "dating" their men and "unfortunate" enough not to be married...


As for me, the ring and the wedding and the kids will happen someday. But in the meantime, I am not going to apologize for being a single (well, involved) woman!

I feel like I can use this time to be selfish and concentrate on myself. Before life takes ahold of me and I do what we ALL do...focus on everyone else and neglect ourselves. So why not make the most of this???

OK. done.

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