Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Working through it...

I feel like I've really leaned on my friends these past few days.

I have felt so loved and so supported. I can't express how much it helped me to know my friends were thinking of me...to get a phone call from someone just to check on me...it's incredibly comforting during a time that is going to inevitably be quite difficult.

After spending time with Rachael and Trish on Sunday (and subjecting their respective Adam's to my dramatics), I went back to WORK on Monday.

Looking pretty bad. Tired. Red eyed. Sad.

I was asked by many people "Are you ok?"
My answer was, "No. But I can't talk about it right now."

And so far, the kids have been the only true happiness I've experienced in the last few days---thank GOD for those kids!!!

I spent last night @ Lane's house having a sleepover. I ate more at her house than I have the last few days (my eating habits are still screwed up.) And definitely got yet ANOTHER perspective on my situation. So we'll see what happens. It was great to hash it out. Cry it out. Etc.

I woke up this morning immediately SAD. Cried in Lane's shower. Cried all the way to work. ALMOST cried at the computers AT work but got it together.

...my emotions have evolved. I now spend most of the day logically pretending I'm fine with things as well as focusing on work. This is sandwiched in between bouts of crying, but I'm doing OK.

I've decided to take this day by day. Decide what to do as I go. Follow my heart but not ignore my head.

I'm not sad this minute, I think I'm in denial.

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