Sunday, February 10, 2013

The Clouds Have Lifted.

I am in a...FANTASTIC...mood today.

Friday was my last day of Whole30.

It was also the day of an enormous blizzard. Followed by Saturday...which was a day of sitting inside trying to get warm because we had no power or heat in Plymouth. I ate mostly fruit (so it wouldn't spoil), veggies, and nuts. Tons of all three. Very little meat or protein. But no bother...WHOLE 30 was over...

And not a day too soon because it would have been TOUGH to stay compliant yesterday!!!

I also cheated with several things...I had peanut butter (oh I missed you), hot soup from a can (because DAMN it was cold!), popcorn (just a little--airpopped) and...EEK...


I felt guilty, but I simply had to have something dessert-like. I decided that yesterday would be a free day. I probably ate a little over 2000 calories, but I SO needed it!!!

And today...I'm happy!!! Because I can now take what I've learned from WHOLE30 and apply it to my own, specific, awesome diet!

I am re-incorporating:

1. Cooking spray
2. Fruits (more of them)
3. Pre-marinated meats at restaurants and occasional pre-made dressings.
4. Peanut butter in moderation
5. Edamame
6. Almond milk
7. Beans and oatmeal in moderation
8. One cheat meal per week (or allow myself to drink)

That last one is the most important...I need that accountability. Plus, I need to stop eating copious amounts of nuts and red meat---this uber-restrictive diet has made me eat MORE of these things, and I think I need to eat less to control the calories. I think I would have lost even more weight this month if I had been able to control those portions.

This morning, I made a well balanced meal, (slightly less fat than normal, slightly more fruit)...and I already feel more relaxed and calm.

I think it's because doing my OWN THING satisfies the control freak in me.

I. am. convinced. this new diet will be the key for me.

I am so READY to lose the rest of this weight!!!

SO. Here's the verdict...

So...About 5 lbs. since I last weighed in on Christmas Eve. BUT...I think I gained a few pounds between Christmas and when I started Whole30 on January 10th. So I'm thinking its probably closer to 7-8 lbs. lost this month.

AND...that means...I reached my ORIGINAL GOAL!!!! :)

And passed it.

My "final goal" of 160 is within reach.

But here's the thing...

I. Want. More!!!! goal.

Under 150. 
Shit's about to get REAL!!! 

Pounds until original goal: -3 (WHOOP!!!)
Pounds until "final" goal: 7
Pounds until "weight I never allowed myself to dream of" goal: 18 

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