Thursday, November 22, 2012

What I'm Thankful For...

Thanksgiving Day, 2012. 

So much that I am grateful for this year. It's been a year of changes and transition for me.                                                    

And it's a day of reflection. To appreciate all I have. (I feel like I don't do this enough.)
Everyday frustrations make it easy to miss the big picture.
And my big picture is KICK.ASS.

1. I am thankful for my family. I am lucky to have parents who are still in love and supportive of each other. I am thrilled to watch my little brother become a grown man---it's amazing sometimes how far he has come. And I am so, so, so, lucky to still have my sweet Grampy. Alzheimer's has taken a lot from him--but I am blessed that he still recognizes me and still has his same happy-go-lucky personality. He is a hit at the nursing home. I know that he may not always know who I am. So every day is a gift.
And, on a lighter note, I am thankful to have an extended family that I can have fun with--not everyone chooses to spend time with their family, but I love mine!!!



2. I have AMAZING friends. 

I really believe that most people have not been lucky enough to have the type of friends that I have. It's so wonderful to have a network of people that I can turn to in both happiness and times of trouble. My friends have supported me through EVERYTHING this year. They honestly bring me so much joy.

3. I am thankful for my job. 

This has not been the easiest year. Lots of changes at work. More stress. But I still LOVE what I do. Every (or nearly every) single day! These kids are the light of my life.

4. I am thankful for Brian. 

I feel like we have both grown so much this year. It was not the easiest time for us about a year ago. But sometimes I think you need to take some time apart to come back together stronger. We are not perfect...but there is nobody else I see myself growing and moving forward with...and I think whenever ANYONE is lucky enough to have someone they love in their life--it's not something you take for granted.

5. I am BLESSED to have changed my life this year. 

I am thankful that on December 25, 2011 I made a choice. I decided to tackle my greatest demon. My biggest fear, challenge, hope, name it. 

Christmas 2011

And I'm also thankful that when I got on the scale this morning it said...

I am thankful to be 67 lbs. lighter than I was last Thanksgiving!!! Here's to the next year ahead! Hopefully full of more growth, hope, happiness and GRATITUDE than this one!! 


Happy Thanksgiving!!! (I'm cheating today.) 

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