Friday, October 26, 2012

Judgment Day.

So today is the day. Weigh-in day. 
3 weeks of writing down everything I ate. 
Exercising 5 days weekly, no excuses. 
No random delicious shit. 

I was honestly TERRIFIED of what the scale would day. Scared that after my hard work, I wouldn't be rewarded. Wouldn't know where to go from here. Maybe feel like it wasn't worth it. 


I lost 5 lbs!!! 

I really do carry weight EVERYWHERE. And you know where I noticed the loss the most this week? 


This opal ring was my mom's. She gave it to me. It has NEVER, in the history of my life, FIT my ring finger. Only my chubby pinkie. I've always loved it but thought it looked silly on my pinkie. And now I can wear it!!! My ring finger used to be about an 8.5, and I'm pretty sure this ring is a 6.5 Yay!  

In un-related news...

Grampy was amazed by the fact that my IPhone takes pictures. 
So we took this one when I went to visit him last week! 

And the biggest news of the week...

My friend Annie left for Arkansas. :(

Overall, it's a great thing. She and her fiancee have a great new life waiting for them. 
And I'm so happy that she's happy. 
But...I already miss my friend!!! 

 (This is a cute pic of us in Plymouth. Except for the excess weight...wah wah wah)

Going to miss our shopping, venting/chats, coffee, adventures in Plymouth and running. 
But, like so many things, time moves us forward and things change. 
But now I have a long-distance friend and someone to visit in Arkansas. 

Good luck to Annie and Justin! See you soon!!! 

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