Saturday, February 18, 2012


So, typically I don't really publicize my blog, especially with acquaintances and work friends. So there are only a few people that really keep up with this blog, mostly close friends.

I have some things to say.

And this is the most public (but private) place to say them.

1. If you need to talk shit about others to build yourself up, you have an inferiority complex. Try self improvement. That will help.

2. If you make a CHOICE in life, stop making it someone else's fault if you're not happy about it. No one makes choices FOR you when you are a grown-up.

3. Speaking of grown-ups, they take the HIGH ROAD. Not the shit-talking, sabotaging, HIPPA violating, NON EARNED sick time LOW ROAD.

4. There is always something new to learn. No matter how talented, experienced, or well-meaning we all are---you are NOT superhuman.

5. Time moves forward, no matter what. Times change, no matter what. That's the only constant--CHANGE. So move with it or it will move forward without you. It's 2012. It doesn't matter how AWESOME things were in 1998.

6. "It's amazing how much you can accomplish when it doesn't matter who gets the credit."
(I stole this from Nikki)

7. Get over yourself.

Phew. I figure only about 10 people will read this, but DAMN does it feel good!!!!

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