Thursday, February 2, 2012



Starting December 26th, I decided that I needed to really change my lifestyle. Finally get in shape, lose this extra weight.
And from the amount of chocolate I ate in December, I was even further from goal!

This photo was taken on Christmas. I remember thinking, "I'm going to look gross in this picture."

I'm not posting this to make myself feed badly. On the contrary, I want people to realize that this whole "weight loss" thing is really important. I had DEFINITELY gotten bigger this fall and early winter. (Going through something emotional always makes it tough, huh?)

And I'm ALSO posting this so that you can see this NEXT picture... ;)

TAKEN TODAY AT WORK. 2/2/12. First picture in a long time that I haven't looked at and felt embarrassed about...

I've used arrows to REPORT MY PROGRESS!!!

One month of working out 3-4 times weekly, gradually cutting out calories, and trying to live a healthier lifestyle. And NO...I do NOT feel deprived...

I feel like I'm finally taking the right steps to make it work! Feeling good!

Am I skinny yet? NO.
Am I where I need to be yet? NO.

I'm feeling incredibly positive about this new change for myself...stay tuned!!!

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