Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Lake Tahoe 2012

So I just got home from 4 awesome days (a little mini-vacation) in Lake Tahoe! Specifically, I visited my friend Cheryl in Incline Village, NV, which is right on the lake.

Long story short, Cheryl was home last week, and ended up flying back out to Tahoe with me. On Thursday night (or Friday morning I guess) @ 1am, I get a call from American Airlines saying, "Just kidding, flight is canceled." That sucked! Massive snowstorm over Chicago messed up our plans, so we had to fly into Sacramento (Sac Town not so fun) and rent a car to drive into Truckee (town next to Tahoe)

15 hours later we finally made it to Incline.

Not a lot of snow there this season. So we enjoyed Hidden Beach on Saturday. Especially playing with Simba guy, most awesome dog ever. Cheryl's boo Duke was there too, and there were other peeps visiting as well, so it was lots of fun!

Saturday night we went to Reno to see Boombox play. It was an epic night. I barely remember the end of it...and this is the only picture that my tipsy ass managed to take!

GOOD MORNING RENO! We went thrift shopping and out for a delicious breakfast. Sunday night, we went to a potluck at CiCi's house, which was a lot of fun.


We got a foot of snow on Monday! Cher and I worked with one of her clients doing home-based PT, went into an outdoor hot-tub as it SNOWED on us, and took a picturesque drive to see the Tahoe scenery covered in snow!
I feel rejuvinated! What a great couple of days!!! Back to the grind tomorrow!!!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

BIG NEWS!!! (not for me)

Congratulations to Lane and Brent on their engagement!!! I am beyond excited!!!

Lane and I have been best friends since we were eleven...and she's been dating Brent since we were 17...so this is BIG NEWS!!!

Lane & Brent are made for each other...

I can't wait to be there to see them FINALLY tie the knot...

So happy and excited for you guys!!!!

Saturday, February 18, 2012


So, typically I don't really publicize my blog, especially with acquaintances and work friends. So there are only a few people that really keep up with this blog, mostly close friends.

I have some things to say.

And this is the most public (but private) place to say them.

1. If you need to talk shit about others to build yourself up, you have an inferiority complex. Try self improvement. That will help.

2. If you make a CHOICE in life, stop making it someone else's fault if you're not happy about it. No one makes choices FOR you when you are a grown-up.

3. Speaking of grown-ups, they take the HIGH ROAD. Not the shit-talking, sabotaging, HIPPA violating, NON EARNED sick time LOW ROAD.

4. There is always something new to learn. No matter how talented, experienced, or well-meaning we all are---you are NOT superhuman.

5. Time moves forward, no matter what. Times change, no matter what. That's the only constant--CHANGE. So move with it or it will move forward without you. It's 2012. It doesn't matter how AWESOME things were in 1998.

6. "It's amazing how much you can accomplish when it doesn't matter who gets the credit."
(I stole this from Nikki)

7. Get over yourself.

Phew. I figure only about 10 people will read this, but DAMN does it feel good!!!!

Mini Post: Excuses


I figure, if that little kid can do it... honestly, I can hustle my pudgy butt to run 5 miles!!!

And if you think of it that way...how do we make so many excuses in life?

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Adventures in February...

Historically, February is my LEAST favorite month of the year.

Typically, I'm at my fattest in February. Its also normally very snowy and I don't like driving in the snow now that I drive so much for work. That's why February is so short.
Because it sucks and you want it to end.

BUT THIS YEAR IS BETTER SO FAR. (I don't even mind that February has an extra day.)

Why? No Snow (yet.)
And...I am NOT at my FATTEST.
AND...in 2 weeks I'll be in Tahoe with one of the loves of my life, Cheryl.

But...I digress.

It's Weekly Wrap-up Time!!!

1. Goodbye
This week one of my "babies" turned three. The Early Intervention Program services children ages 0-3, so since it was his birthday, he officially moves on now. He was one of the kiddos that I've had since infancy. Helped him sit up, crawl, walk, run, climb stairs, etc...I kept remembering that first session, when he was just a little smiling mush on the carpet...and I can't believe three years has passed. I always miss kiddos when they leave me...but this will make the third time I have actually CRIED when a child aged out of the program. It never gets easier to say goodbye to my little loves! But he is ready to move on!

2. I lost 3.5 lbs this week!!! It goes without saying that I am incredibly excited!

3. And as an added bonus, I went jogging on Friday and finished 4 miles--no sweat! It felt so great!!!

4. Friday Night was also special because it was MICHAELA'S 28th BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION! We went to Don Jose Tequila's on Federal Hill (I know...weird...its the only Mexican place amongst Italian restaurants and its BOMB) to celebrate!!!
Birthday Girl in Birthday Sombrero Receiving Birthday Smooch

5. ANA decided to have a little fun of her own this weekend...

And had a super awesome ATHENA sex toy party at her place! All the girls went, and it was, ahem...some good clean fun!!!

I cannot wait to see my Cheryl!!!

Conquering Torrey Pines in 2010

...12 days till I leave!!!

And on one last note...this week is VALENTINE'S DAY.
I have mixed emotions about this...

No worries, I'm not going to drive off a cliff.

(We'll see how I'm feeling on TUESDAY when there's 20 bouquets of flowers delivered to work for OTHER people!!! )

Happy Sunday my friends!!! Have a great week...and if you're lucky enough to be with the one you love...don't take that for granted.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Monday Drive-By

Just a couple of little things to share this Monday night...a "drive-by" post so to speak...

1.) I am getting $2700 back in taxes this year. THIS IS BOMB.

2.) My car needed ANOTHER repair last Friday. I think a new car is in my near future.

3.) Last week, I sold out and got an iPhone.

4.) Ana is having a Sex Toy party on Saturday and I'm EXCITED!!!


Happy MONDAY!!! :)

Thursday, February 2, 2012



Starting December 26th, I decided that I needed to really change my lifestyle. Finally get in shape, lose this extra weight.
And from the amount of chocolate I ate in December, I was even further from goal!

This photo was taken on Christmas. I remember thinking, "I'm going to look gross in this picture."

I'm not posting this to make myself feed badly. On the contrary, I want people to realize that this whole "weight loss" thing is really important. I had DEFINITELY gotten bigger this fall and early winter. (Going through something emotional always makes it tough, huh?)

And I'm ALSO posting this so that you can see this NEXT picture... ;)

TAKEN TODAY AT WORK. 2/2/12. First picture in a long time that I haven't looked at and felt embarrassed about...

I've used arrows to REPORT MY PROGRESS!!!

One month of working out 3-4 times weekly, gradually cutting out calories, and trying to live a healthier lifestyle. And NO...I do NOT feel deprived...

I feel like I'm finally taking the right steps to make it work! Feeling good!

Am I skinny yet? NO.
Am I where I need to be yet? NO.

I'm feeling incredibly positive about this new change for myself...stay tuned!!!