Thursday, December 29, 2011

Best of 2011...My Favorite Things!

I decided to compile my list of favorites from this year...experiences, kicks & obsessions...the best of 2011!

Greatest Experience: Guatemala
Here with students and volunteers during a trip to Panabar.

Best Celebration of What Really Matters: Cousin-Fest
At the Cape with my cousins Jeff, Evan, Mike, Mal & Kate

Best Trivia Team (Ever): The Betty Whites
Hated by most who attend Trivia @ Wicked Good, the Betty Whites are proud to be winners! Constantly.

Book I Loved: "I Know This Much is True" by Wally Lamb (not written this year, but READ it this year!)

2011 Work-Out of Choice: Rollerblading

Biggest Moment for a Friend (And MY most fashionable moment):
Trish & Adam's Wedding

Most Ridiculous & Random Experience: Wilhelm Reich Museum
Went with Lane & Brent on a long a museum about "cloud busters" and orgasms.

Most Amazing Trick to Hide my Pale Legs: Sally Hansen Airbrush Legs!

Television Obsession: Game of Thrones (though Boardwalk Empire was a close 2nd place)

Favorite Food: Chicken Noodle Soup
My grandmother made an amazing chicken soup. I LOVE it. My favorite food, hands down.

Favorite Drink: DiSaronno & Ginger Ale

Favorite 2011 Snack: Lime Popsicles. Amazing.

The Cause and Solution to All Life's Problems: Scorpion Bowl
Thanks a lot, Asia Grille

Phrase from 2010 that STILL lives on in 2011...and into 2012...

"Go shit in your hand, George."

Favorite Artist of the Year: ADELE...

Best Acoustic Performance: Lady Gaga's "edge of glory"

I'm sure I could go ON and ON about my favorites, but that's enough for NOW!

2011 has been a year of highs and lows.

2012 is MY YEAR!!!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Everything Happens for a Reason

So the URL address for my blog includes the term "brutal honesty."

This post is going to be EXACTLY that.

Its been two months since my relationship ended. Two confusing, emotional, turbulent months.

Everyone around me seems BLISSFULLY happy.
(But I think that's always the case when your life feels like its in the shitter.)

I am ping-ponging between two very distinct emotions/coping strategies.
1.) Self pity, laced with bitterness, moody-ness and pessimism.
2.) Optimism, hope, motivation, excitement. Looking forward to the next chapter.

At this EXACT moment...#1 is winning.

I know that, logically, #2 is accurate. Pain is temporary. Confusion gradually fades. Over time the clouds lift. Everything happens for a reason.

I also know that, right now, every time some happy, settled person tells me, "Everything happens for a reason", I want to scream at them.


Sometimes bad things happen to good people.
We TELL ourselves that "everything happens for a reason" so that we can wake up the next day with HOPE, instead of feeling like driving off a cliff. We tell ourselves that there is a master plan, that will all come true. Bottom line, sometimes life isn't fair.

Sometimes you get lonely. Sometimes relationships end. Maybe there isn't any point. Maybe things DON'T happen for some big, cosmic reason, other than...that they just happen.

And I've had moments this week where I have indulged my more...frustrated and pessimistic side.

It makes me feel weak to admit that. I want to believe that logically, I can conquer my feelings of bitterness and frustration in order to move on to BETTER things...and I know that I NEED to conquer these feelings in order to do so. But right now...I'm just....

My inner dialogue sounds a lot like,
"Seriously? Why does this have to be so complicated?"

Am I doing something wrong?
I don't really believe in self-denial. If multiple relationships don't work out, you have to face the possibility that maybe the common denominator is YOU. Or maybe its just life. Not my time yet.

I am SO not in the mood to start dating again.
Its not fun.
I'm not 19.
I don't want to make out in a bar, and then text you so we can meet up.
I want a GROWN person.
But that takes work.
And I'm feeling tired already.

Ah, well. I need to buck up. Feel good about myself. Just do my thing. I am not happy with every aspect of my life right now. But I need to focus on controlling what I can control. Which brings me to my next point....

I am getting fat.

I need to work out more, eat better, and get into better shape. Get it tight, get it right.

I think I'm going to hire a trainer. Just once a week. Keep me honest.

And maybe, by next year, I'll be one of those people who is in love. Drinking the kool-aid. And saying things like, "Everything happens for a reason."

Then again, maybe not. ;)

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Best of 2011: Friend Superlatives!!!

My original idea for this entry was to do a 2011 wrap-up...favorite song, TV show, trend, etc...and I may still do that but instead I decided to focus on my favorite PEOPLE---my closest friends! Its been a big year, and I feel they all deserve a little attention for the areas in which they excel! So here it is...2011 Superlatives (almost like a blog-yearbook)

Best Personality: Lane
This is not surprising, as Lane is my very best friend. But best friend or not, it cannot be denied that Lane's personality is pretty awesome. She is opinionated but fair, quirky but serious, easy going, fun, and happy!

Most Likely To Succeed: Angela
Angela made the ballsy move of switching careers (from the corporate world to elementary education!)...which is something most people don't have the courage to do. In the process, Ang has found her happiness in a career that is fulfilling. Her persistence to make this brave move and her obvious L-O-V-E for what she does now make her an amazing example of how NOT to settle!

Most Poised: Sarah
Poise and grace cannot be over-estimated. (Especially since these are qualities that I definitely LACK!) Sarah is cool under pressure. Always a gracious host, always able to rise above a stressful situation. She is able to organize a dinner for ten without breaking a sweat, and is always the picture of effort-less style. I am not surprised she is a former Miss Rhode Island. I could use about 1/10 of the poise Sarah has!

Most Friendly: Meg
No one meets Meg without feeling like they've known her for years. Always smiling, always laughing, and always open to meeting a new person, Meg has an ability to put people at ease. There are no strangers with Meg--just friends she hasn't met yet!

Best Bod: Cheryl
Cheryl has an ass that won't quit. And she is multi-talented, don't get me wrong. But C-Nuggs has a pretty RIPPED body! Constant skiing, yoga, and exercise will do that for you! And my sweet lil nomadic yogie Cheryl has a BF with a ripped body to match! Its a six-pack match made in heaven!

Most Fun: Lynne
Lynne has the ability to make any situation fun...even when she's not 100% (Humphrey!)...and a little, er...uncomfortable. Always laughing, Lynne adds positivity, energy, and happiness to every social gathering!

Most Athletic: Kate
Half marathons? Sure. Kickball? Obvi. Posing on the beach like a Victoria's Secret Model? YUP. Kate makes athleticism super hot and puts (most) of the rest of us to shame! By the time Kate is done running for the day, I've only managed to put on comfy pants and check my email.

Best Hair: Meg aka Gremlin
Meg knows what's up when it comes to hair. Who knew Moroccan oil is good for ALL hair types? Whether its wild and curly or smooth and chic, Meg's hair is A-MA-ZING.

Most Competitive: Michaela
Whether its a track meet, watching sports, playing soccer, or kicking ass at trivia, Michaela is a true competitor! She doesn't back down when it comes to her convictions, and puts everything she has into friendly contests and competition! Michaela can keep you on your toes!

Most Talented: Jeri
Jerilyn is just super amazing. Professional singer. No big deal. Makes you cry type of voice. Gorgeous inside and out.

Best Dancer: Trish

Nobody loves dance like Trishy loves dance...from her poof to her calloused feet! The dance world isn't always easy---pleasing judges, parents, students, and colleagues, but Trish manages to rise above and produce creative and unique works of art time after time. Plus I am jealous of her hyper-extended knees since my legs suck.

Most Loyal: Rachael
Rach has more than once described herself as a "grudge-holder." But the fine print beneath that is that Rachael is so incredibly loyal to her closest friends that she has trouble forgiving people that have hurt them. Rachael will always make the time to help, always make the call to check on you. She even made me chicken soup during my tough time recently...friends as faithful and loyal as Rachael are hard to find!

Best Looking: Ana
Legs as long as my whole body? Check. Shiny, gorgeous hair? Check. Pretty face & Hot Body? Double Check. Ana turns heads everywhere she goes. And its not just her physical appearance that makes her best looking---she's always smiling, always going with the flow, and always ready to have a good time!

Most Versatile: Ann
Annie is obviously beautiful. She's an amazing SLP. She's an athlete. She's a great friend. AND she's a good time on the weekends. Jesus gave with both hands when he made this chick. I've often said that everyone has a weakness SOMEWHERE but I'm actually not sure what Ann's weakness would be. Other than the fact that she is so sweet that she is overly succeptible to guilt trips. And that one time she tried to fit a yoga ball in her truck but didn't think to deflate it. :)

So there are my AMAZING friends. The best of 2011, or any other year. I am really blessed to have each and every one of you in my life!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

An Intimate Portrait: Lynne

I'm back, friends! And I decided to get back into the swing of blogging with one of my "Intimate Portraits." And I decided to choose Lynnie! Because when I thought about it, I have a LOT I can share about Lynne. (But I won't tell everyone about Humphrey. I swear.)

Lynne & I @ Jeri's Bachelorette

Lynne and I have been friends since middle school and became closer in high school. From inflatable boobs to veggie pizza, we've seen it all!

Senior Reception 2002

Some fun facts about Lynne...

She's married to the L-O-V-E of her life, Paul, and she is the most mushy and un-apologetically hopeless Romantic ever! As someone who rolls my eyes at lovey-dovey stuff, I admire that.

Lynne & Paul's Wedding, 2009

She loves to travel with her hunny...

She is kind of a big deal and a SLP!

She makes friends for life! Here is Lynne and Rachael, BFFs...

And I just LOVE her!

She enjoys spontaneous, late night singing...

And doesn't really conceal her emotions well ;)

She might have a rap battle with you...

Or kick ass at karaoke...

She loves her furry friends (and has a new puppy coming next month!)

And she doesn't shy away from athletic pursuits (as her shin splints will attest to!)

And she is ALWAYS up for a good themed party!

...OR a public display of affection!

Bottom line: Lynne gets the party started!!!

Best known for: A laugh that won't quit.

And bringing lots of happiness to everyone around her!


Thanks for bringing so much fun and happiness to my life!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Family Ties

So, it goes without saying that this has been a tough and confusing month in my life.

I'm surviving, doing what I need to do, and managing to have fun...but there are moments it's been difficult.

As a person who doesn't like blurred lines and ambiguity, its difficult to accept that I need to "wait and see what happens" with my current situation.

And so it causes a lot of anxiety, to be honest.

But the good news is that this week was THANKSGIVING.
Also, we are planning a surprise 25th Anniversary Party for my Aunt Mimi and Uncle Mike tonight! So I've spent lots of time with my cousins and family...

Its been great to have fun with people that have always been there.

Its also nice to enjoy a holiday that has meant so much to me for so long...I love Thanksgiving. And even though my life was in turmoil this year, its nice to know that some things don't change. Like eating turnips, stuffing, too many desserts, and awkward family conversation.

Sometimes it seems like no one can ever know you as well as the people you grew up with.

And I love them! Only 200 days till the next Cousin-Fest!