Thursday, January 5, 2012

Happy 2012! Also known as: Year I turn 28.

The amount of people I saw at the gym yesterday is a testament to the amount of people who make new years "resolutions" to be better versions of themselves. (Which in most cases, means being less fat.)

And I didn't make any one resolution in particular.
I did, however, commit to taking 2 vacations.
I started working out more.
I'm making some decisions about my next step in my love life (and until I really know what I want to say, I'm going to refrain from blogging about it.)

Resolution 1: I will have a bad-ass time visiting my sweet Cheryl in Lake Tahoe.

I'm taking a long weekend here next month. It's going to be amazing, I'm sure. Why not?

Resolution 2: I will run a leg of the NEW BEDFORD HALF MARATHON on March 18th. Again.

For the 2nd year in a row, we will be pushing some of our kids in the half marathon. One of my kiddos (whom I pushed last year), looked at me and said in his little voice, "Please? Push me?" And I decided I simply HAD to do it!


I have agreed to go on vacation with THESE people...

And I bought THIS...

So I'll be spending LOTS of time with my new best friend.

Positives from this week:

I re-discovered my true LOVE for apple cinnamon oatmeal.

And I found PINK ARGYLE nail strips!!!

(mine are less shiny, less claw-like, and PINK!)

So. Big few months people!
75 days until I turn 28.


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