Monday, January 16, 2012

Little Kid Germs

I went to sleep 6 hours ago, healthy.

I woke up @ 4am, fully sick.


I don't get sick as often these days, since I've built up immunity to a lot of things from my line of work. Little kids carry some STRONG germs, though.

And when one of those little kid germs hits your system the wrong way, you're in for a world of hurt.

My ears hurt, my throat hurts, I'm sniffling. Swollen glands. The whole nine yards.

But I have a PLAN.
Allow me to share my "I'm getting sick let's nip this in the bud...plan."

Step One: Start drinking Airborne like 10 times daily for the next few days.

Step Two: Eat my body weight in chicken noodle soup. The whole "feed a cold, starve a fever" mantra comes to mind.

Step Three: Spend lots of quality time with my bed.

Step Four: Quarantine myself and douse myself in hand sanitizer so I don't get my Grampy sick.

This last part is nerve-wracking. My sweet Grampy is 91 and his immune system cannot handle these germs. A little cold for him turns into pneumonia. I do not plan on touching him for days!!!

But in all honesty, that plan is what I should do. I may end up going to the gym, going out to lunch, and going out for drinks with the Betty Whites (trivia team) as planned. Since I have the day off and don't want to waste it...

See you guys in a few days when I'm miserably sick and regretting not following my plan!!!!

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