First, I turned 27 (eek.)
I decided that instead of my usual birthday shenanigans (getting drunk, throwing myself a birthday prom party, etc) I would embrace my late twenties with a healthy dose of jogging.
So, I ran a portion of the NB Half Marathon (only 3.15 miles), as a member of Jeremy's pushing team. It was a great experience...and I'm really happy that I did it. My team was so kind...they paced with me so that I could run the whole leg and finish with Jeremy. It was such a great day, and a great turn-out. Brian came too, and ran as a member of a different team. I had such an awesome time watching my little guy (not Brian, Jeremy) cross the finish line. (Though Brian did a good job too.) No pictures yet, coming soon...
On a personal note, I just wolfed down an entire box of Pasta Roni.

I haven't allowed myself that kind of indulgence in several months. I've spoken to lots of people who eat extremely healthfully---one person said that after a while fattening foods don't even taste good anymore.
And if liking pasta roni is wrong, I don't want to be right.
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