Monday, July 1, 2013

Hey girl Hey!

So...I've been taking a bit of a blogging hiatus. 

My apologies. 

I just haven't been in the...blogging mood. 

There have been some fun things going on this month...
Here's a lil update! 

Went to the Cape with Brian, Lane & Co. for CodFest 2013!!!

Brian & I 

One of the most fun nights I've had in my adult life. 
Stripping down to our skivvies at 3am and swimming in the lake. 
Walking home without pants. 
You get it. 

Plus quality time with Lane, my sister from another mister. 

I've been making some progress with running (despite making no attempts to do so.)

I've never focused on speed. I focused on distance. Endurance. Logging the miles. 

A few weeks ago, I ran 5 miles. I finished more quickly than I expected, which begged the question: Had my pace increased gradually without my knowing it? 

My previous personal best for a mile was 9:29. I ran that on a treadmill over the winter. Before that, it had been since 8th grade, when I also ran a mile in 9:30. But I never broke that record. EVER.

Understand that when I started running I was averaging 12-13 minute miles. 

So imagine my surprise when I went running along the canal last week and finished a mile in 8:30.
Imagine my shock again when I finished a 5K run (WITH HILLS) in 29:56 today.
For me, running a 5K in less than 30 minutes was a pipe dream.
Something I NEVER thought I'd do.
And I did it today.

The biggest news is probably my new roommate. 

The last month or so has been consumed with organization. Moving my stuff. Buying some new things for the house and ditching some old stuff. Merging our lives. It's a big move for me. 

One of my projects includes re-purposing my mom's old vanity with new surfaces. I love this print and it really helps me to have a spot to call my own!

Overall, the move-in has been good. I really love living with my boo so far.

And lastly...

I have no idea what I weigh. 

I DO know that I'm losing. My waist is smaller. 
I DO know that my clothes fit normally. 
I DO know that I'm trying hard but struggling with over-eating at night. 
And I DO know that I WILL be accountable to the scale soon. 

This is part of the process. I know that. 
And no matter what that scale says, I will not allow it to determine my self-worth. 
Because what I have done is amazing. 
I choose to be proud. 

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