Sunday, July 28, 2013

Stuff I Did This Month

It's been a big month. Full of changes, both happy and sad. 
In early July, we learned my brother and his fiancee are expecting a child. 

...and this was quickly followed by sadness as my Grampy passed away on July 14th. 

I think I sort of shut down. In terms of sharing happy news. Not that I've been blogging as much lately. But I didn't feel like I wanted to share what had been happening. Was kind of depressed and off kilter for a week or so. But I've been feeling better the past few days...

And so...

(happy events ONLY)

See my tribute to Grampy here. If you are interested! 

4th of JULY Weekend

Plymouth Fireworks 

Fireworks in and around Whitehorse Beach are always shenanigans. Drunk people lighting fuses and being generally beligerent and hilarious. Brian and I like grabbing a few beers, our folding chairs, and people watching. We did this on our 3rd date in 2010 and it's become a tradition. 

Brian watching the nonsense. 
Notice the couple hooking up 10 feet away. 

We also enjoyed a little 4th of July shindig at Jess & Cory's house, complete with inflatable jousting and bungee cord racing. Hilarious! This is only pic of us from that day--me jousting with Rachael. 

Due November 10th
My little NIECE is already named Penelope! Penny for short! 

My brother was practicing using the baby carrier and a stuffed animal! 

I'm so excited to make some stuff for Penny! 
Starting with this bow-holder/headband organizer!!!

And maybe hitting up a few summer sales for clothes for NEXT year. 
Baby's first beach day!!!


Our friends from Kansas returned for a week long trip. They stayed down at the Cape for the week. They also brought along their little bean...whom I met in March (see post here)

So I stole a couple of my girl's pics from her blog! 

So nice to spend time with friends, relax on the beach, and snuggle that little girl! 
It's so great so see friends you haven't seen in so long. 

Meg's Shower 
My close friend Meg is getting married in September, and had a gorgeous shower (and gorgeous weather!) at Diamond Hill Vineyards. Meg and I have been friends since high school, and I LOVE her! Can't wait to celebrate in a couple of months! 

Quality Time with Brian

This pic was taken on the boat to Martha's Vineyard.  We've been spending some days off together, looking for furniture for the house, and spending as much time as we can together. 

We finally found a server! Brian is refinishing it as we speak! We went to Lowe's to pick out stain/paint and hardware. Wah wah waaaaah. We are adults. Boo.  

Well, that's my life as of lately. I'm embracing my life, and my happiness, especially since losing Grampy. The day of his funeral, I processed how I felt. I posted this on facebook in response to all the support and thoughts I got. And it's still true today, so I'll repost it here. 

Thank you to everyone for your kind words and support. Grampy taught me many things--how to tell a joke, how to keep life simple, and name a few. He squeezed every ounce out of his 92 years. And so I'm off. To go squeeze even more out of this day, and my life. Grampy, I honor your life with every new experience, every laugh with friends, and every bowl of ice cream. Because life is sweet, and you knew that.

Life IS sweet. And all too short. 
My outlook is positive. :)

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