Saturday, July 30, 2011

An Intimate Portrait: Rachael

Get pumped, people. Its time for...


Rachael has been my friend since middle school---7th grade---so for 14 wonderful, eyebrow-filled years. We have remained buddies through thick and thin: bride-zillas, angry bridal shower confrontations, many drunken nights, many poor choices (MINE, not Rachael's)
We've never had an argument that I can remember, but if we did, I'm sure we'd BURY THE HATCHET!!!

Rachael and I at her wedding in 2010

One thing Rachael is known for is--wait for it--SEXY DANCE.

She is friendly and not at all confrontational when being assisted with her scooter helmet.

She is an athletic phenom.
Just kidding. Rachael isn't a slouch, but power walking is more her speed.

Men will do anything--including take their underwear off in public--for a photo op with Rachael.

DON'T write her name on a karaoke form without her permission. Things get ugly.

The aforementioned karaoke paper--Jeri had to get it back from the guy after the above confrontation

She is very loving. You never know when the LOVE will Get YA!

When she wants something, she goes for it!!!

It should be noted that Rachael is an accomplished SLP, a married woman, and owns her own home. I chose to focus on the more "colorful" aspects of her life and personality!!!!


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