Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Day 24: A Letter to my Parents

Spoiler Alert: Personal and Marginally Mushy Post Ahead

Dear Mom & Dad,

You have always been incredibly supportive of me, and I know you're proud of me. You've always had such high expectations; frankly, I think they created a double standard of behavior between myself and my brother. I still have moments of being a bit bitter about that, to be honest. But then I think they made me motivated. I felt that failure was not an option. So I have to be thankful that you believed I could achieve great things.

I still depend on you for a lot, especially your opinions and advice. That is a double-edged sword since there are times I DO NOT WANT YOUR OPINION. But hey, you can't have your cake and eat it too.

Mom, thanks for being warm, patient, fiercely protective and so hard working. Dad, I know you put pressure on yourself with your work--thanks for giving up all those weekends, working so that I could get expensive prom dresses and room and board, etc...thanks for keeping things funny. And thanks for showing me the kind of temper I DONT want to have. hah.

I hope we get closer with time. I'm so lucky to have you. Love you guys.

Love, Laura

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