Thursday, July 14, 2011

Day 18: Plans/Dreams/Goals

Plans, dreams and goals? I actually do have some.

My first instinct was to separate these out into plans, then goals, then dreams. But in reality, they are inter-connected for me, one in the same. Dreams become goals which become plans.

My dreams overall can be summed up as: I want to live an amazingly happy life, with a companion and kids and find a way to be financial solvent and work a fulfilling job. I want to make a difference to the kids I work with.

So the goals are: find a lasting relationship that will satisfy my wants and needs (so far so good), continue to develop myself professionally--possibly get a pediatric specialty--, buy a home, and enjoy my youth as much as possible.

Here's plan: Get healthy by exercising and eating better, nurture my relationship with Brian, maintain my close friendships, Put 110% into my job and continue to look into continued education opportunities, save the maximum amount of money possible every month towards a home and other expenses.

If I can say I spent my life doing something worthwhile, that will be enough for me.

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