Saturday, May 25, 2013

3 weeks later...

It's been a few weeks, hasn't it?

Well, since I last posted I've been on vacation and back!

It was awesome.
Brian and I went on a cruise to the Bahamas. Here's some highlights:

Including one major milestone:

First. Ever. Public. Bikini.

This was a goal I set for myself last year, but I wasn't ready/confident enough last summer. But this spring...BOOM! Roasted.

But I ate like a PIG on the ship. Like someone not on a diet. Like a million desserts. A zillion calories.

Eh, what you gonna do? 

I'm back on track. Eating totally clean for a couple weeks, working out daily. Hoping to de-tox. 

Also wanted to share my latest project: 

My mom's vanity was stained and out of date. I covered the shelves with printed card stock and sealed it with clear contact paper. I'm loving the finished product: it's updated but still funky and vintage. 

I'm thinking this technique could be used on other projects, including bookshelves, small tables, etc. 

One last thing: 

It's been a hard week. We almost lost this handsome guy to a severe infection, heart attack, congestive heart failure, etc. He's still in the hospital but seems to be doing better. Please say a prayer for a my Grampy's comfort and recovery. He is just about the sweetest person on Earth, and I love him so much! 

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