Saturday, January 19, 2013

10 Days In

Figured I'd follow up about this special eating plan I'm on, the Whole30.

And it's called the Whole30 CHALLENGE for good reason.

It's been easy some days, and I've had my moments.

Here are the positives: (After 10 days)

Less fatigue after meals and blood sugar spikes

Waking up refreshed in the morning

Positives re: making good food choices (feeling really healthy and good)...on most days

Finding new foods I LOVE: coconut oil, ghee (clarified butter), organic eggs, almond milk

Re-discovering my obsession with: CASHEW BUTTER, avocados, tomatoes, berries, salmon, steak

Here are the drawbacks: 

Psychotic mood swings : These are not the norm but when they do happen I feel completely frustrated, out of control, and upset. They are rare, and I can certainly manage them for the next 20 days, BUT, if they don't decrease I will NOT maintain this eating plan long-term. I signed on for healthy, not psycho.

Lots of $: This shit is expensive! Organic everything, grass-fed nonsense, NO PRESERVATIVES, etc. The only place to find quality organic ghee and coconut oil is WholeFoods, and it's DAMN expensive. Fresh fruits and veggies too, as well as nuts, cost an arm and a leg!!! Plus you eat a lot on this diet, so you are constantly replenishing your food.

Pre-planning and Prep is exhausting: Sure, if you make a chili or a soup to take you through the week you don't have to make lunch each day. BUT if you don't want to eat the exact same thing every single day, you have to do the prep work. And that's tiring.

Monotony: No dairy, no sugar, nothing processed, no variety. Well, you CAN get variety, it's just challenging.

Cravings: I still miss certain foods, but these feelings come and go. According to the plan this should decrease after Day 15 or so. But once or twice I have become flat-out IRATE at not being able to eat anything tasty.

Shitty Energy & Workout Recovery: The first couple days I felt nauseous and really sick after exercise and felt like I couldn't accomplish much with my work-outs. That's a big negative. Yesterday I added a fruit before exercise and my energy was better so hopefully this is on the up-and-up.

Per people around me, (girls at work--so I take it with a grain of salt) my face looks thinner. So it's possible my weight is dropping. We'll see. It had better or I'll lose my shit when this is done. 

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