Saturday, January 26, 2013

Work in Progress

Wow. Day 17 already.

After a brutal Day 10-11, day 12 was tolerable...

I cooked up some root veggies (which have a little more carbohydrate content) for myself for the week (squash, turnip and red peppers roasted in organic veggie broth with onions, garlic and EVOO). I made sure I had a serving each day for the week. I relaxed my standards on fruit and allowed three servings daily. The online boards about extreme irritability suggested that cutting carbohydrates drastically can impact mood for some people. So I increased a little bit of my carbs through fruits and veggies.

And overall...I am feeling So.Much.Better. 

I'm still struggling a bit with ways to deal with temptation. I'm starting to get really frustrated and resentful when Brian eats delicious food in front of me. I know this is irrational and unfair...believe me, I get it...but I'm just so irritated in the moment! Luckily, that irritation comes and goes quickly. I'm all of a sudden so aware of him eating delicious sweet things that I want--and somewhere inside I'm convinced he's doing it to tempt me. (That's the crazy talking.)

But I know it's not his fault I decided to go all psycho-restrictive and do the Whole30.

Overall, I'm finally feeling that burst of energy I've been told was waiting for me. I woke up this morning, READY to WORK OUT. Then I went to the grocery store, made a delicious breakfast, showered, and got ready to attack the day.

I'm getting better at making meals too; some suggestions of Whole30 approved meals that are DELICIOUS:

- Scrambled organic eggs, uncured all natural (nitrate free) ham, green peppers cooked with a touch of EVOO and salt. fresh fruit and cherry tomatoes on the side.

-Organic spinach salad; with avocado, slivered almonds, sliced cherry tomatoes, chicken sauteed in coconut oil with red pepper, dressed with balsamic vinegar and a TOUCH of EVOO.

-Cantaloupe coated in unsweetened organic coconut flakes, mixed with almonds

-Spicy shrimp sauteed in coconut oil until crisp, with carrots with a bit of Ghee (clarified butter)

-Dynamite (my mom's recipe); ground beef (grass fed all natural) with tomato paste, peppers and onions

Even at trivia, which sells bar food, I was able to get Grilled Salmon, twice baked sweet potato, and steamed green beans and wax beans, and stay Whole30 compliant.

I'm getting there. Work in progress. 

Monday, January 21, 2013

Sunday, January 20, 2013

End of my Rope. Day 11, Go F*** Yourself.

How do people even DO this f***ing diet???

I've cut out virtually EVERYTHING.

My mood swings and cravings are out of control. Day 11 was a bitch. And her friend, Day 10, wasn't so great either.

I'm so tired of eating JUST VEGGIES!!! And meat!!! The only delicious thing in my diet other than occasional fruit is nuts. And I read online in the forums that I need to LIMIT nuts.



Now what???

Maybe a couple more starchy veggies?

Maybe more fish or more variety in my proteins?

Maybe I jump off a cliff. 

I've been completely UNBEARABLE.
I cannot be pleased, my fuse is NON EXISTENT. I feel completely unglued and psychotic.
Brian actually asked me to stop the diet because he is probably fearing for his life.

I'm venting here to try and get renewed resolve.

I dedicated myself to 30 days of this nonsense, and dammit, I'm going to finish. I really don't know how people do this. I'm lost and completely frustrated.

In the meantime--sorry to all those around me.
I hope Day 12 is better.

OH and P.S.
That almond milk I raved about on Day 3???


Saturday, January 19, 2013

10 Days In

Figured I'd follow up about this special eating plan I'm on, the Whole30.

And it's called the Whole30 CHALLENGE for good reason.

It's been easy some days, and I've had my moments.

Here are the positives: (After 10 days)

Less fatigue after meals and blood sugar spikes

Waking up refreshed in the morning

Positives re: making good food choices (feeling really healthy and good)...on most days

Finding new foods I LOVE: coconut oil, ghee (clarified butter), organic eggs, almond milk

Re-discovering my obsession with: CASHEW BUTTER, avocados, tomatoes, berries, salmon, steak

Here are the drawbacks: 

Psychotic mood swings : These are not the norm but when they do happen I feel completely frustrated, out of control, and upset. They are rare, and I can certainly manage them for the next 20 days, BUT, if they don't decrease I will NOT maintain this eating plan long-term. I signed on for healthy, not psycho.

Lots of $: This shit is expensive! Organic everything, grass-fed nonsense, NO PRESERVATIVES, etc. The only place to find quality organic ghee and coconut oil is WholeFoods, and it's DAMN expensive. Fresh fruits and veggies too, as well as nuts, cost an arm and a leg!!! Plus you eat a lot on this diet, so you are constantly replenishing your food.

Pre-planning and Prep is exhausting: Sure, if you make a chili or a soup to take you through the week you don't have to make lunch each day. BUT if you don't want to eat the exact same thing every single day, you have to do the prep work. And that's tiring.

Monotony: No dairy, no sugar, nothing processed, no variety. Well, you CAN get variety, it's just challenging.

Cravings: I still miss certain foods, but these feelings come and go. According to the plan this should decrease after Day 15 or so. But once or twice I have become flat-out IRATE at not being able to eat anything tasty.

Shitty Energy & Workout Recovery: The first couple days I felt nauseous and really sick after exercise and felt like I couldn't accomplish much with my work-outs. That's a big negative. Yesterday I added a fruit before exercise and my energy was better so hopefully this is on the up-and-up.

Per people around me, (girls at work--so I take it with a grain of salt) my face looks thinner. So it's possible my weight is dropping. We'll see. It had better or I'll lose my shit when this is done. 

Sunday, January 13, 2013

2013 Resolutions

I decided to dedicate a post to some (most) of my closest friends. I think people underestimate the impact that friends can have, especially when you have friends as great as mine!!! 

Each of my friends has something I wish I had more of. Each of them has inspired a resolution for 2013, and I want to be better because of their examples! 

So here is a little shout out to my girls, and what I've learned from them. 
(And what I want to remember moving forward...) 

Sarah: Always Classy
 So, I've been known to be what people would call an "over-sharer." I also respond quickly and emotionally to things, both positive AND negative. Sarah is always so poised and so classy. It's not to say she doesn't share a few details, but she keeps it appropriate. I should try that. I should also try not to let my emotions override my poise in stressful situations. 

Annie: Don't be Afraid of Big Changes
 Ann moved to Arkansas to be with her fiancee. It was a huge move, as both of their families live in this part of the country. She left her job, her network, and her life to move somewhere new. I wonder sometimes if I would be brave enough to do something like that. This year I resolve to consider big changes if they appear, and not be afraid to make a move if I need to. 

Trish: Be Grateful for my Free Time!!! 
 Between her day job in real estate to dancing several nights a week, Trish has literally no free time. She works long, long days. And weekends. And she just bought a house. And she has a dog and a cat and a husband. When I'm pissy that my Friday off is dominated by errands, I resolve to remember that my free time is a gift and to be grateful for it. 

Kate: It doesn't have to be so damn serious all the time
Kate has fun. She's an adult with a job and an apartment and plenty of accomplishment, BUT, she still remembers to have some FUN sometimes!!! I think at our age (almost 30--gulp) it's tempting to fall into the trap of the daily grind, constantly focusing on life plans, and not stopping to have a little fun sometimes! You're never too old to laugh and have a good time--I will remember that this year!  

Jeri: Keep pushing AND have a positive attitude 
 Jeri deals with life in a way that most people can't. She looks at things from a positive perspective. And even when she's faced with problems and difficulties that not everyone would have to deal with (or should even have to deal with), she approaches it with a smile and a sense of peaceful resolution. I have never seen her be bitter, toxic, pessimistic, or hateful. We could all be a little more like Jeri. I will do my best to maintain my positive, motivated outlook, no matter what this year brings. 

Rachael: Loyalty & Honesty
 Rachael is fiercely loyal. She is also honest. A winning combination in any friend. She has an ability to be comforting but not untruthful, even in a tough situation. Rachael is selective with her friendships, and if you're lucky enough to be on the good list, she'll never have a bad word to say about you and defend you tirelessly. I am going to do my best to be a better, more honest and loyal friend. Both to Rachael and to all my other chickies. 

Angela: Making Healthy Choices
 Angela has made similar healthy choices to mine--eating clean, staying active, etc. She has managed to integrate those choices into her busy life (mom, wife, teacher, friend, rockstar). When I feel my resolve crumbling, I'll remember that I really have very few obstacles to juggle in comparison to other people, and that a little dedication to a healthy lifestyle will really pay off in the long run. 

Michaela: Being a Grown-Ass Woman
 Michaela bought a house this year. On her own. Pays the mortgage, went through the whole process...something I find incredibly intimidating. I always imagined relying on a partner to go through that process, and I admire her balls to go get what she wanted. I am determined to make changes this year to progress my life. Even if I do them on my own. 

Trina & Erika: Make New Friends, But Keep the Old
 After spending years together at URI, Erika and Trina and I were very close. Over time, I lost essentially complete contact with Trina and would talk to Erika on the phone once or twice a year. I have re-connected with these girls this year and I CAN'T BELIEVE I LET IT GO THIS LONG. I've been missing out on so much! I resolve to maintain these friendships going forward--they are worthwhile! 

Cheryl: Keep an open mind and Embrace TODAY
 Cheryl lives for today. She embraces today, enjoys today, and makes the most of her life at this moment. She lives for new experiences, is open-minded to people and change, and believes in living a life of exploration and happiness. Most people don't understand how satisfying this type of life can be. When I'm with Cheryl it's like a breath of fresh air, a new perspective. I resolve to keep an open mind and appreciate TODAY, not just live for tomorrow. There are no promises in life. 

Lane: Stop Panicking about everything and Give myself a Break
 Man, does my bestie have an ability to put things in perspective. When I'm about to jump off the proverbial cliff, she has a way of reminding me to relax. Stop beating myself up for every negative emotion, every mistake. To remember I'm human, and that things will be clear with time. Nobody has such a calming effect on me. I ALWAYS feel better when I talk to Lane. I will try to remember this year to keep things in perspective, not panic, and remember that I'm only human. 

Lynne: Make Your Relationship the Priority 
Lynne loves her family, her friends, her dog. But her #1 priority has always been her relationship with her husband. I used to not understand how someone could love so unconditionally. She's so open to love, so sweet with her hubby. I really thought I'd never be that way--that it wasn't in me. Now I see that while I'm not as mushy as she is, I could learn a thing or two. For my relationship to thrive, I need to fully commit, love unconditionally, and make Brian my first priority. And this year, I'm going to do just that. 

So there it is, 2013 resolutions, inspired by my girls! I can't quite live up to their examples, but I'll try!!! 

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Hello again!

So it's been, a WHILE.

Life has been pretty boring, to be honest.


On Christmas Eve I weighed 172. That's the last time I've stepped on the scale.

And I figure I probably put on a pound or two during the holidays.

BUT...I started the Whole30 on January 10th. So we'll see how that goes. For more info on this: go to the website INFO ON WHOLE 30

In a nutshell, this eating plan is 30 days long. It requires 100% commitment.

I am allowed to eat: veggies, fruits (in moderation), protein, oils & ghee (in moderation), nuts, seeds, sweet potatoes (in moderation), vinegar/spices, trace amounts of pure fruit juice as needed, avocado, coconut

I am not allowed to eat: dairy, any sugar, any carbohydrate except the occasional fruit and sweet potato,   anything processed (including pre-packaged salad dressing, condiments, etc), peanuts/peanut butter, alcohol, soy, artificial sweetener, honey/agave

Additionally, I try to limit saturated fats (since I previously had high cholesterol), and fruits that are high in sugar. The Whole30 doesn't discriminate against high sugar fruits, but I do. I intend on eating at least 1-2 servings of fruit daily, so I'm trying to make the healthiest choices possible.

The other stipulation on this plan is that you don't weigh yourself. For 30 days. 

I finish Whole30 on February 8th, which is my next doctor's appointment. So that's the moment of truth. 

Side note: 
If you haven't tried Almond Milk, unsweetened, vanilla flavored---you're missing out!!! It's delicious! I'm obsessed. 

An example of a days worth of food from this diet: (what I ate yesterday)

5 egg whites
1 red pepper
1 cup mushrooms
celery stalk with 2 tbsp of almond butter
10 raisins
3/4 cup cherry tomatoes
1 cup mixed berries
9 oz. grilled filet mignon
1 cup grilled asparagus (no added crap)
small green salad with cabbage/carrots
oil/vinegar for the salad
2 cups black coffee (no milk)
1 cup green tea (no honey)
1 red apple
2 tbsp cashew butter

And I was SUPER full.

Something to think about...