Saturday, June 2, 2012

I'm a beast.

I just had a HUGE 24 hours. (Weight-loss wise, anyway.)

1. Yesterday morning, I ran 10 miles (without stopping) for the first time!!!

I am incredibly excited about that.
To be honest, I teared up a little bit when I finished, because part of me never believed the day would come when I would achieve that!
Running was a secondary goal (with my health being the first) and I wasn't AS focused on the goal of 10 miles as I was on making work outs fun...and so I would run whenever I felt like it. And gradually, the goal came into was so great to FINALLY reach one of my fitness goals!

Which brings me to my next point...


Which is crazy. Just because I thought the days of 5 lbs. lost in a week were over.
Honestly...I'm BLOWN away.
I'm so excited. So pumped.
Don't mess with me.

I feel like my goal is getting closer and closer. 

And finally...

3. I decided that I actually want to lose a little more weight than I originally thought.
I'm going to move my goal weight down 10 lbs. And it will officially be known as my "final goal."


Pounds lost: 47
Pounds till original goal: 23
Pounds till final goal: 33 

Also, HAPPY WEDDING DAY to ERIKA & KEITH! Heading to NY in a few hours to celebrate! (They will have their own dedicated post later in the weekend!)

P.S. Happy June!! 

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