Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Weekend Re-Cap

I just had four days off in a row.

It was luxurious. And awesome. Maybe work IS overrated.

Weight Update: Lost 0.9 lbs, increasing my total weight loss to 41.5 lbs!

Weekend Re-Cap:

Friday: Katie's Prom Extravaganza...

I had some fun styling my gorgeous mini me for her senior prom! We started at Sassafrass Hair Design in Cumberland, RI...My friend Jeri's sister Andrea is the owner, and...well, I happen to know several BEAUTIFUL brides and examples of the great work done there!

Followed by make-up (Kate's first pair of fake eyelashes---which looked FAB)...she was ready to go!
(Wearing Rachael's bridesmaids' dress from Jerilyn's wedding!!!) And a statement necklace I found for the occasion!

She looked fabulous and SO GROWN UP!!!

Saturday: Dress Shopping with Crazy. 

Step One: Find a "modesty" suit so that salespeople won't see Lane naked. 

Step Two: Go a place where you can try on TONS of dresses

Step Three: Complain you don't know what to do. 
Get nervous someone might try to help you put a dress on. 

Step Four: FUN!!! 

Lane actually looked fantastic in several dresses. Said the experience was surprisingly painless. I didn't post any pics on here just in case one of those dresses is THE ONE! We had a super fun sleep over, ate cotton candy. (Which only has 57 calories in a whole bag!!!)

Sunday: Shopping with Michaela

Mission One: Find a dress for bridal showers we need to go to. (I bought this dress. Michaela didn't. )

Mission Two: Find patio furniture for the Betty Whites to sit on while we drink!!! 

The deck is READY for SUMMER---just needs chairs, a table, and some Betty Whites!!!

MONDAY: Relaxation, Meeting Charlie, Walking with Rachael

Trishy got a PUPPY! I got to meet my new nephew Charlie!

Look at that FACE! I could eat him! 

I ended my luxurious long weekend with a walk with my love Rachael, which was much-needed exercise. And much needed girl talk. 



Thursday, May 24, 2012


As part of my "get real" process, I am posting specific pictures and measurements. 
My body and my weight are not going to be a "dirty little secret" anymore! 

Current Size 14/16, hips 45"
Goal: Size 12 (hips 41")
Considering they started at ~52", this is a big improvement! 

This picture helps illustrate that, YES, I DO have 30 pounds I could stand to lose!
But at least I'm starting to see the outline of abdominals again! 

On a positive note, I look LOTS of pics with my friend Erika last week, so is super fit and thin! And I didn't feel like a fatty at all! 

Off to enjoy Memorial Day Weekend, more updates later! 

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Bachelorette Weekend, NYC Style!

My love Erika (one of my close friends from undergrad) is getting married in 2 weeks!!! 

And so, we celebrated with a bachelorette in NYC! (Complete with chocolate covered oreos!)

Always fun taking some classy pics before heading out...
I was re-united with my other love Trina from college, who I haven't seen in WAY too long...

My girl and I (looking fabulous)

We started the night at Beauty & Essex (super cool lil place)

Sweet drinks, tapas, great conversation...
 My blood-orange jalapeno margarita packed quite a punch!!!

And champagne in the ladies room!!! Woo hoo!!! 

Then we headed out for power hour ($3 shots!)

Not that we bought any...because our new besties bought all our shots!!! 

These boys were harmless. Sweet. Introduced us to Pineapple Upside Down Cake shots too!!! 

After a little deciding on what we wanted to do next...

We ended up at Le Souk (Hookah bar)...

It was so great seeing my old friends...its been TOO LONG!!! Love you girls. 

Can't wait to celebrate with Erika & Keith in a couple weeks!!! 

Monday, May 14, 2012

Let's Get Real

Two things were true in 2011. 

1. I was incredibly overweight.
2. I spent time convincing myself that I was being photographed from "bad angles."

Exhibit A: Guatemala, March 2011
(I thought the tank top was the problem)

Exhibit B: Cousin-Fest, June 2011

Exhibit C: Trish's Wedding, August 2011
I look like I could eat Brian. 

Exhibit D: Christmas. Also known as "Day before I stopped being Fat" 

Exhibit E: Jeri & Steve's Wedding. I managed to have ROLLS while wearing SPANX. 
That's right. The SPANX couldn't control my rolls. 

It seems like maybe people are uncomfortable with the way I view things. 
They view this as, "Being hard on myself"

I don't hate myself. 
I didn't hate myself then, and I don't hate myself now. 
I love myself, actually. 
And that is EXACTLY the reason I needed to drop weight. 

And as kind as it is for people to say things like, "Oh you don't need to lose weight," I don't feel that way. I was completely abusing my body. I secretly never believed I could do it. 

I posted the above photos to prove that I'm not being dramatic. 

I. Was. Fat. 

End of story. 

And now I look like this...

Call it "being hard on myself" if you want. I call it realism. And if what I need is for realism to kick me in the ass to LOSE THESE NEXT THIRTY LBS., then bring it on!

I'm just excited to no longer look like a linebacker!!! Woo hoo!!! :)

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Oh hi, I'm wicked thin.

Warning: Weight-Update Ahead! 

LOST 3.7 lbs. over the past 2 weeks! 

AND...reached a very major milestone!

40 LBS LOST! (Well, 40.5)

40 LBS the weight of...

5 gallons of milk

An average 5-year-old...

A small/medium microwave...

And THIS cat. 

Feeling GREAT!!!!

Pounds lost: 40.5
Pounds to go: 29.5 

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Pimp. Legend.

I know I dedicated a post to my Grampy a month or two ago...

But today is a sad day, because Grampy is moving to the nursing home tomorrow. 

He said, "How many women will be there?" 
Pimp. Legend. 

It's a really sad day. But I figure, if you are that cool in life, you're going to be just as cool in a nursing home. And maybe date some old ladies. 

Love you Grampy! 

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Air Conditioning and Head Injuries

It's been a fun week. 

I simply couldn't let it go by without making fun of my friend George for his blood-filled visit to Wicked Good Bar & Grill on Wednesday. 

George had been enjoying some beverages all afternoon (i.e. did a power hour) and by the time trivia came, he was VERY...relaxed. Long story short, he was playing with a mini basketball hoop mounted on the wall...when he tried to slam dunk...


This EMT took good care of him...

And then I mocked him by taking this picture. As he was in the process of receiving medical care. 

Poor George. 
No worries, though. He's fine now. 


I bought a new car on Saturday! 

2012 Hyundai Accent Hatch-back

(And as a bonus, found out my credit score is 730! Which is exciting and surprising.)

For those looking for a weight-loss update, I decided to step down to bi-weekly weigh-ins. So I'm not sure if I've lost more...updates on my weight due in next saturday!!!!