Saturday, March 2, 2013


When is enough, enough? 

Today I'm feeling mentally fatigued from fighting the good fight.

Because I gained weight last week, I didn't have a cheat day last weekend. So I haven't had any contraband in the last 2 weeks. Been trying to eat REALLY well.

Last night I went to a benefit for one of the kiddos at Schwartz which was a wine tasting event.

And because of my caloric intake requirements, I could only drink 8 oz. wine.

I ended up leaving a little early...because it was so difficult to be in a party environment and not able to eat or drink anything! Because my calories were done!

It's exhausting. 

And tonight...Rachael is having a birthday party for Adam.
And I'm OK not drinking anything...

But I'm so TIRED of not EATING with everyone else! Being able to RELAX at a party and just ENJOY myself!!! 
I try to blend in---to feel like I'm indulging as well--but it doesn't always work. (Because I'm NOT.)

I've gone running both yesterday and today...and I find that on the days I run in the morning I am SO hungry all day. 

So here I am, 3:30pm, I've had 900 calories today.
I'll need to eat a little something (probably at least 200-300 calories) between now and the party.
Which leaves like...300-400 calories for the party.
Which is...not much.
So chances are, I'm going to be hungry and deprived AGAIN. 

And I'm so torn...

Because on one end, I want to push through tonight, stay UNDER my calories, control myself.

And on the other end, I'm exhausted! And frustrated! And I feel like I need a break! But I don't want to regret it next week!

Isn't that the basis of internal conflict when it comes to our obstacles? 
"I want to push through!" vs. "I feel like I need a break!" 

Most people would say that you need to make sure that "I want to push through" overrides that "I feel like I need a break.

I mean, I think it all the time. 

At 6pm at work when I'm tired and want to go home.

At 6am when I don't want to get out of bed.

On the treadmill when I want to push stop.

In the kitchen when I'm faced with delicious food.

When everyone around me is indulging.


When is enough enough? 

So the jury's still out on what I'll allow myself tonight.

I've decided that there's no "wrong" answer.
Just a decision to make.

Give myself a break, or push through.

And in the end, no one has to live with it except for me. 

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