Saturday, January 12, 2013

Hello again!

So it's been, a WHILE.

Life has been pretty boring, to be honest.


On Christmas Eve I weighed 172. That's the last time I've stepped on the scale.

And I figure I probably put on a pound or two during the holidays.

BUT...I started the Whole30 on January 10th. So we'll see how that goes. For more info on this: go to the website INFO ON WHOLE 30

In a nutshell, this eating plan is 30 days long. It requires 100% commitment.

I am allowed to eat: veggies, fruits (in moderation), protein, oils & ghee (in moderation), nuts, seeds, sweet potatoes (in moderation), vinegar/spices, trace amounts of pure fruit juice as needed, avocado, coconut

I am not allowed to eat: dairy, any sugar, any carbohydrate except the occasional fruit and sweet potato,   anything processed (including pre-packaged salad dressing, condiments, etc), peanuts/peanut butter, alcohol, soy, artificial sweetener, honey/agave

Additionally, I try to limit saturated fats (since I previously had high cholesterol), and fruits that are high in sugar. The Whole30 doesn't discriminate against high sugar fruits, but I do. I intend on eating at least 1-2 servings of fruit daily, so I'm trying to make the healthiest choices possible.

The other stipulation on this plan is that you don't weigh yourself. For 30 days. 

I finish Whole30 on February 8th, which is my next doctor's appointment. So that's the moment of truth. 

Side note: 
If you haven't tried Almond Milk, unsweetened, vanilla flavored---you're missing out!!! It's delicious! I'm obsessed. 

An example of a days worth of food from this diet: (what I ate yesterday)

5 egg whites
1 red pepper
1 cup mushrooms
celery stalk with 2 tbsp of almond butter
10 raisins
3/4 cup cherry tomatoes
1 cup mixed berries
9 oz. grilled filet mignon
1 cup grilled asparagus (no added crap)
small green salad with cabbage/carrots
oil/vinegar for the salad
2 cups black coffee (no milk)
1 cup green tea (no honey)
1 red apple
2 tbsp cashew butter

And I was SUPER full.

Something to think about...

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