Sunday, October 21, 2012

What I'm Loving: October Edition

A 3-week push towards fitness impacts my life in the following ways:

1. I don't drink at all (And therefore have no funny stories about the Betty Whites)
2. I don't eat any new delicious meals to share.
3. I am boring.

Hence, the reason why I haven't posted in 2 weeks.

BUT, in response to a request from Lane, I decided to post SOMETHING.

Starting with an update about the aforementioned 3-week push; I weigh in next Friday. I'm getting nervous/excited. I'm DEFINITELY smaller. So I'm partly excited to see the results, partly nervous that they won't be what I've hoped. Looking back at my food diary, the accountability has been amazing. It's definitely resulted in eating less and making better choices. So we will see what happens on Friday.

I figure I can do a little piece-meal post about what I'm loving lately...

Skinny Vanilla Lattes from Starbucks

*130 Calories for a Grande
It's a delicious way to bridge the gap when I'm hungry but not starving and want something to sip on. Pumpkin Lattes from Dunkin (my fave) are not available sugar free, so this is a better option!!! I'm also enjoying Bailey's Pumpkin Spice creamer, which is 35 calories/TBSP and delicious!!!

Light Butter with Canola Oil

I'm a believer in "real" foods.  Margarine is full of processed nonsense that your body doesn't even recognize. Your liver spends so much time trying to filter out the crap that you're not metabolizing the real stuff properly. Therefore, I like that this is "real" butter, but lightened up! The canola oil makes it spreadable, but when it melts, it tastes REAL (because it is!).  50 calories/TBSP

Veggie of the Week: Turnip!

35 calories/cup cubed cooked. Delicious and relatively low-cal. Mmmmm.

 Store of the week: Francesca's! 

Annie and I went a couple weeks ago when I realized that this awesome place (which i THOUGHT was only at Garden City and in Newport) has opened other locations! Including Cape Cod Mall, Derby St, and Providence Place! I got this turquoise necklace for so cheap! 

Workout of the Week: Rollerblading on the Canal

We've had some GORGEOUS weekend days and I've enjoyed getting fit AND spending time with my boo! We took this pic this morning.

First Holiday Purchase: Merino Wool Blend Chevron Skirt

It's like a Skirt-sweater! So comfy and warm! Ann Taylor had a 30% off sale so I snagged this! Still trying to decide how to style it...suggestions welcome!!!

So that's my random hodgepodge of cool stuff!!! I will update on Friday after my weigh in! Let's hope its a good one!!!


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