Monday, October 8, 2012


So, after a pity party on Friday, I re-grouped. Called my girl Jeri to see if we could have a chat.

RAN TEN MILES that morning. Like a boss. (Actually, I was exhausted.)

Went over to see Jeri and talk about the whole thing. Vented. Discussed all the issues, emotions, blah blah blah...and between her guidance and my own ideas, I decided on this plan:

1.) It's a 3-week plan. I will weigh in on 10/26. I will not weigh myself until then.
2.) FOOD DIARY. A must. The food is definitely a big part of the issue.
3.) No random treats/extras, alcohol, cool whip, popcorn, or Pumpkin lattes.
4.) Amp up the exercise as able. (I already feel more motivated after running 10 miles on friday.)
5.) Drink plenty of water.
6.) No late-night indulgence. Try to remember helpful tips (like green tea) that used to work.
7.) Calorie and portion control is huge.
9.) Prep food as much in advance as possible to avoid pitfalls such as forgetting snacks or eating poorly on the run.

If all else fails, I may go see a nutritional counselor. I'd like to do this on my own but I'm not above getting help if I need it, because this is really important to me.

AND I was wearing a baggy dress (one that I love but that doesn't really fit anymore) when I went over to hang out with Jeri (at Lynne's house, where she is house-sitting.) AND her dog Bentley was all up in my shit (he's not fixed yet, and I'm looking pretty hot these days, SO...) to make him give me some breathing room...

He loved it. 

It's win-win. Bentley got to "chew" on me all he wanted. I got rid of some of my bigger clothes. 

It was motivating and cathartic. I wonder how many of my fat clothes I could let Bentley chew on...

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