Friday, September 21, 2012

182. Thanks Jillian Michaels.

I finally beat my weight-loss plateau this week!!! Lost 2 pounds!!!

It's time to get my ass in gear! I'm re-motivated and ready to rock the next 22 lbs!!!

Part of the solution was my Jillian Michael's DETOX WATER that I saw on pinterest...

60 oz. water
2 tbsp. lemon juice
1 tbsp. PURE 100% cranberry juice
1 dandilion root tea bag (can find it at GNC)

(I added a green tea bag to improve the taste. Plus green tea is a natural metabolism booster and super healthy!)

You drink this EVERY day. Plus whatever else you eat & drink. I'm much better hydrated. I guess its supposed to remove the toxins and help you lose bloat and water weight. And it seemed to help, since I FINALLY lost some weight!!!

I'm pumped.

Pounds lost: 58
Pounds till original goal: 12 
Pounds till final goal: 22

I've also reached a point where I am letting this new haircut go curly. I'm not sure how cute it is, but DAMN its easier than straightening it!!! 


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