Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Weekend Re-Cap

I just had four days off in a row.

It was luxurious. And awesome. Maybe work IS overrated.

Weight Update: Lost 0.9 lbs, increasing my total weight loss to 41.5 lbs!

Weekend Re-Cap:

Friday: Katie's Prom Extravaganza...

I had some fun styling my gorgeous mini me for her senior prom! We started at Sassafrass Hair Design in Cumberland, RI...My friend Jeri's sister Andrea is the owner, and...well, I happen to know several BEAUTIFUL brides and examples of the great work done there!

Followed by make-up (Kate's first pair of fake eyelashes---which looked FAB)...she was ready to go!
(Wearing Rachael's bridesmaids' dress from Jerilyn's wedding!!!) And a statement necklace I found for the occasion!

She looked fabulous and SO GROWN UP!!!

Saturday: Dress Shopping with Crazy. 

Step One: Find a "modesty" suit so that salespeople won't see Lane naked. 

Step Two: Go a place where you can try on TONS of dresses

Step Three: Complain you don't know what to do. 
Get nervous someone might try to help you put a dress on. 

Step Four: FUN!!! 

Lane actually looked fantastic in several dresses. Said the experience was surprisingly painless. I didn't post any pics on here just in case one of those dresses is THE ONE! We had a super fun sleep over, ate cotton candy. (Which only has 57 calories in a whole bag!!!)

Sunday: Shopping with Michaela

Mission One: Find a dress for bridal showers we need to go to. (I bought this dress. Michaela didn't. )

Mission Two: Find patio furniture for the Betty Whites to sit on while we drink!!! 

The deck is READY for SUMMER---just needs chairs, a table, and some Betty Whites!!!

MONDAY: Relaxation, Meeting Charlie, Walking with Rachael

Trishy got a PUPPY! I got to meet my new nephew Charlie!

Look at that FACE! I could eat him! 

I ended my luxurious long weekend with a walk with my love Rachael, which was much-needed exercise. And much needed girl talk. 



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